Page 34 - Spring2008
P. 34
There are a oxidative stress markers when fed to rats. 35 requires vitamins C, B , and B . Vegetarian diets
Since it is the elongated forms of the essen-
number of tial fatty acids that are especially important—in- tend to be rich in vitamin C but poor in these B
vitamins, so synthesis could be compromised. A
amino acids cluding AA, DHA, EPA, and dihomo-gamma- reduced rate of synthesis and little or no intake
and related linolenic acid (DGLA)—and since the conversion could lead to an impaired ability to utilize fat for
compounds of precursors in plant oils is inefficient, it makes energy and a lower pantothenic acid status. 37
sense to consume small amounts of these fatty
Taurine and glycine are both incorporated
that are not acids preformed from animal foods so we can into bile acids, but those incorporating taurine
technically reduce the total amount of polyunsaturated fatty are absorbable much further down in the intes-
essential, but acids (PUFA) we need to obtain them. Moreover, tines and are therefore much more effective at
maximizing the absorption of fat and fat-soluble
some people with particularly low levels of the
are useful in enzymes that make these conversions may be vitamins. Taurine is also involved in preventing
the diet, vulnerable to an actual deficiency of the elon- drug-induced cardiac arrhythmia, maintaining the
possibly gated forms even while consuming plenty of electrical activity of the retina and supporting the
pro-oxidant PUFA from plant oils.
development of the brain. The developing brain
essential Vegetarians have 30 percent lower levels contains three to four times as high a concentra-
under certain of EPA and DHA than omnivores, while vegans tion of taurine as the adult brain, so taurine is
conditions, have over 50 percent lower EPA and almost 60 particularly important for nursing infants. It is
found almost exclusively in animal products and
percent lower DHA. By contrast, vegetarians
and found have 10 percent higher levels and vegans have its endogenous synthesis requires vitamin B .
exclusively or over twenty percent higher levels of linoleic The serum concentrations of vegans and infants
almost acid, the omega-6 precursor fatty acid. If this nursing from them are lower than that of their
omnivore counterparts, which may compromise
situation is characteristic of omnivores eating a
exclusively in standard diet high in polyunsaturated oils, we the development of the nervous system. 37
animal can imagine what the comparison might look like Creatine is necessary for the maintenance
products. between vegans and vegetarians with a popula- of the cellular energy supply, especially during
bursts of physical activity, and its supplementa-
tion that avoids PUFA-rich vegetable oils and
consumes elongated EFA-rich liver, egg yolks, tion is therefore useful for athletic performance.
and small amounts of cod liver oil. The latter The endogenous synthesis is one to two grams per
diet allows no deficiency of these fatty acids but day while meat provides one gram per serving, so
provides a minimum of total PUFA, and therefore meat-inclusive diets make a substantial contribu-
a minimum of oxidative stress and aging-related tion to total creatine status. While vegetarians
damage. may not be at risk for an actual creatine defi -
ciency, the additional creatine from meat could
CONDITIONALLY ESSENTIAL be helpful in boosting physical performance. 37
AMINO ACIDS Carnosine functions as a neurotransmitter
There are a number of amino acids and and is a powerful inhibitor of a process called
related compounds that are not technically essen- glycation, whereby sugars and PUFA bind up
tial, but are useful in the diet, possibly essential with proteins and produce advanced glycation
under certain conditions, and found exclusively end products (AGEs), which are believed to
or almost exclusively in animal products. These contribute to the adverse effects of aging. It is
include carnitine, taurine, creatine and carno- found exclusively in animal products, which may
sine. be one reason why vegetarians and vegans have
Carnitine shuttles fatty acids into the mito- higher levels of AGEs than omnivores. 37,38
chondria, the so-called “power house of the cell,”
to be burned for energy, and recycles pantothenic CHOLESTEROL
acid, an important B vitamin. Omnivorous diets Most people make enough cholesterol to
provide between two and twelve times as much fulfill their body’s needs; cholesterol is therefore
carnitine from meat as the body can produce by not considered an essential nutrient. There are,
endogenous synthesis. Moreover, its synthesis however, millions of people with genetic defects
34 Wise Traditions SPRING 2008