Page 35 - Spring2008
P. 35

in cholesterol synthesis for whom dietary choles-  lesterol synthesis that may make dietary cholesterol essential. For these
                 terol is likely an essential nutrient.     groups, animal foods are absolutely necessary.
                      Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome (SLOS)
                 is the best-understood cholesterol defi ciency  THE ESSENTIALITY OF ANIMAL FOODS
                 syndrome. It results from a genetic defect in the     When Weston Price traveled to the South Sea Islands of the Pacifi c,
                 enzyme that converts 7-dehydrocholesterol (a  he hoped to fi nd “plants or fruits which together, without the use of animal
                 common precursor of vitamin D and cholesterol)  products, were capable of providing all of the requirements of the body for
                 to cholesterol. Most commonly, it results in spon-  growth and for maintenance of good health and a high state of physical

                 taneous abortion within the first sixteen weeks of  effi ciency.” He was disappointed. On the island of Viti Levu, he instead
                 gestation so it shows up in only one in 60,000 live  found inland-dwelling groups relying largely on plant products who found
                 births. Children who are born with the defect may  it so essential to consume shellfi sh at least once every few months that they
                 suffer from mental retardation, autism, facial and  would trade plant foods from the mountains for shellfi sh with coast-dwell-
                 skeletal malformations, visual dysfunctions and  ing groups even when these groups were at war with each other.

                 failure to thrive. The current treatment is dietary   Shellfish are especially dense in animal-based nutrients. One serving
                 cholesterol.                               of clams per month provides the same amount of vitamin B  as two servings
                      Because both parents must supply a de-  of salmon per week. One serving of oysters per week likewise provides
                 fective copy of the gene in order for SLOS to  the same amount of zinc as a quarter pound of beef per day. People who
                 manifest, and because most pregnancies that  wish to minimize their intake of animal products would do best to consume

                 would result in an SLOS birth are spontaneously  small amounts of shellfish to obtain these nutrients. For those who do not

                 terminated, the number of people who carry a  wish to eat shellfish, the requirement for animal products might be much
                 single copy of the defective gene is far higher  higher.
                 than the number of people with the full-blown     Price’s research led him to the following conclusion about vegetarian-
                 syndrome. One in a hundred North American  ism: “As yet, I have not found a single group of primitive racial stock which

                 Caucasians and as many as one in fifty or even  was building and maintaining excellent bodies by living entirely on plant
                 one in thirty Central Europeans carry the defec-  foods. I have found in many parts of the world most devout representatives
                 tive gene. These people, called “SLOS carriers,”  of modern ethical systems advocating restriction of foods to the vegetable
                 have a decreased rate of cholesterol synthesis,  products. In every instance where the groups involved had been long under
                 but still synthesize enough to escape the severe  this teaching, I found evidence of degeneration in the form of abnormal
                 risks and abnormalities that characterize clinical  dental arches to an extent very much higher than in the primitive groups
                 SLOS.                                      who were not under this infl uence.”
                      One small study has examined possible      Thus, we can conclude from Dr Price’s studies and a large body of
                 mental health effects in 105 SLOS carriers. Car-  subsequent research that animal foods should be used throughout childhood
                 riers were more than three times as likely to have  development, especially those animal foods that are richest in vitamins and
                 attempted suicide as those who do not carry the  minerals, such as liver, shellfi sh, egg yolks, bone broths, and high-quality
                 gene, and the methods of committing suicide  dairy products. Depending on their individual constitutions, adults may
                 were more violent. Unfortunately, the study was  have varying needs for animal products and those who object to the use
                 not statistically powerful enough to conclusively  of meat should either consume shellfi sh on a weekly or monthly basis, or
                 determine whether or not these associations were  high-quality dairy and egg products on a daily basis. Additionally, red palm
                 due to chance, but it was powerful enough to  oil and bananas would respectively be useful sources of carotenoids and
                 show a conclusive relationship between carry-  vitamin B .
                 ing the gene and having biological relatives who     Many people may last a long time on a diet that does not contain
                 attempted suicide. Carriers were more than four  optimal levels of animal products, while others like myself may develop
                 times as likely as controls to have at least one  health problems very quickly. Given all the nutrients that are so much more
                 biological relative and almost six times as likely  easily obtained from animal products, it should not be surprising that some
                 to have a fi rst-degree relative who attempted or  people adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet may develop defi ciencies very
                 committed suicide.                         quickly. Each person has to pay careful attention to his or her own body and
                      It may be the case, then, that dietary cho-  give it the nutrients it needs—and for many people this will mean giving
                 lesterol is an essential nutrient for one to three  up on the myths of vegetarianism and consuming the animal products we
                 percent of the population. There may also be  require by nature.
                 additional genetic defects or variations in cho-
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