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Let’s pass laws against overfishing! And let’s provide the incentive to   4.  Dwyer JT. Health aspects of vegetarian diets. American
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                 anti-overfishing activists by pointing out the important benefits of seafood   5.  Fraser GE. Determinants of ischemic heart disease in

                 in the diet.                                                       Seventh-Day Adventists: a review. American Journal
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                 20. YOU’LL HELP PROTECT THE PURITY OF WATER:                    6.  Burr ML and P M Sweetnam PM. Vegetarianism, dietary

                                                                                    fiber and mortality. American Journal of Clinical Nutri-
                       It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of mutton,   tion, 1982, 36:873.
                 but just 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of wheat. Not only is this   7.  Chang-Claude J and others. Life style determinants and
                 wasteful, but it contributes to rampant water pollution.           mortality in German vegetarians and health-conscious
                                                                                    persons: results of a 21-year follow-up. Cancer Epide-
                      Reference please? If a sheep drinks one gallon of water per day—  miol Biomarkers Prev. 2005 Apr;14(4):963-8.
                 which is a lot—the animal would only need about 600 gallons of water   8.  Key TJ and others. Mortality in British vegetarians:
                 to yield almost eighty pounds of meat. That’s less than eight gallons of   review and preliminary results from EPIC-Oxford. Am
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                 water per pound, much less than the water required to produce a pound of   9.  T Colin Campbell and others. The Cornell Project in
                 wheat.                                                             China.
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                 21. YOU’LL PROVIDE A GREAT ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR KIDS:           11.  The China Project: The Most Comprehensive Study Ever
                      If you set a good example and feed your children good food, chances   Undertaken on Diet and Health. Spectrum, Mar-Apr
                 are they’ll live a longer and healthier life. You’re also providing a market   1999, p 27
                 for vegetarian products and making it more likely that they’ll be available   12.  Laboratory Investigations 1968 18:498.
                                                                                 13.  Keys TJ and others. Health effects of vegetarianism and
                 for the children.                                                  vegan diets. Proc Nutri Sci 2006;65(1):35-41.
                      You may not ever have any children if you follow a vegan diet, and   14.  Mills PF and others. Cancer incidence among California
                 in case you do, you will be condemning your kids to a life of poor health   Seventh-Day Adventists, 1976-1982. American Journal
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                 and misery. Here’s what Dutch researcher P C Dagnelie has to say about   1136S-1142S.
                 the risks of a vegetarian diet: “ A vegan diet. . . leads to strongly increased   15.  Key TJ and others. Health effects of vegetarian and
                 risk of deficiencies of vitamin B , vitamin B and several minerals, such   vegan diets. Proc Nutr Soc. 2006 Feb;65(1):35-41.

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                 creased risk of deficiencies of vitamin B  and possibly certain minerals   17.  Wachman A and D S Bernstein DS. Diet and osteopo-
                                                   12                               rosis. Lancet 1968 1:958.
                 such as iron.”  These defi ciencies can adversely affect not only physical   18.  Ellis FR and others. Incidence of osteoporosis in veg-
                 growth but also neurological development. And following a vegan diet   etarians and omnivores. American Journal of Clinical
                 while pregnant is a recipe for disaster.                           Nutrition, June 1972, 25:555-558.
                      You will, however, by embracing vegetarianism, provide a market   19.  Spencer H and Kramer L. Factors contributing to osteo-
                                                                                    porosis. Journal of Nutrition, 1986 116:316-319.
                 for vegetarian products—the kind of highly processed, high-profi t foods   20.  Spencer H and Kramer L. Further studies of the effect
                 advertised in Vegetarian Times.                                    of a high protein diet as meat on calcium metabolism.
                                                                                    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 1983 37
                 22. GOING VEGETARIAN IS EASY!                                  21.  Linkswiler HM and others. Calcium retention of young
                      Vegetarian cooking has never been so simple. We live in a country   adult males as affected by level or protein and of cacl-
                                                                                    cium intake. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci, 1974 36:333.
                 that has been vegetarian by default. Our traditional dishes are loaded with   22.  Ensimger AH and others. The Concise Encyclopedia of
                 the goodness of vegetarian food. Switching over is very simple indeed.            Food and Nutrition. CRC Press, 1995.

                      Going vegetarian is very difficult. The body needs animal foods   23.  Masterjohn, Chris. Dioxins in Animal Foods: A Case for
                 and provides a powerful drive to eat them. Cravings and resentment are a   Vegetarianism: Wise Traditions, Fall 2005, http://www.
                 natural byproduct of a vegetarian diet, not to mention separation from the   24.  MMWR Mar 2, 2000:49(SS01);1-51.
                 the majority of humankind by unnatural eating habits and sense of moral   25.
                 rectitude.                                                      26.
                                                                                 27. Dagnelie PC. Nutrition and health—potential health

                                                                                    benefits and risks of vegetarianism and limited consump-
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