Page 104 - Spring2010
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World

                        Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                    Farm Products by State              We encourage our readers to        Farm Products by State
                 AK                                    obtain as much of their food as   happy animals—lovingly cared for just as
                 Family/farmer needed to take over already                              Mother Nature intended—which provide
                 established cowshare business in the Mata-    possible from            high-energy, nutritious and delicious food
                 nuska-Susitna Valley, Alaska. Fifteen cows, 5   small farms and        sources for health-conscious individuals. No
                 breeding age heifers, 5 younger heifers, 250   independent businesses.  antibiotics, steroids or GMOs ever fed to our
                 laying hens, brooder house, and 2 mobile                               animals! (616) 837-9226, www. CreswickFarms.
                 chicken houses. Great growth potential.                                com.     11/4
                 $75,000. (907) 376-0634.       *11/3  MA
                                                    Misty Brook Farm offers certified organic raw   MN
                 DC                                 cow’s milk, beef, veal, pork, and eggs. Raw milk   Farm on Wheels offers animals raised on green
                 CSA: Hi-Brix, nutritionally dense, biodynami-  is available year-round from 100% grass-fed   grass & certified organic by MOSA. Nutrient-
                 cally grown kitchen vegetables, grass-finished   Jersey cows. Come visit our traditional mixed   dense cuts of beef, lamb, chicken, turkey,
                 beef,  pastured  pork,  broilers  and  eggs.   farm! Contact Katia Holmes at (413) 477-8234   goose, duck, pork, lard, butter & eggs. No corn
                 Openings for 2009 season in DC Metro area.   or, Hard-  or soy. Farmers Market year round in St. Paul,
                 Contact Allan Balliett, info@freshandlocalcsa.  wick, MA.           11/2  Prior Lake, Northfield, Linda (507) 789-6679,
                 com (304) 876-3382, www.freshandlocalcsa.                            11/1
                 com. *10/4                         Robinson Farm: A diversified organic farm
                                                    selling grass-based raw cow’s milk, eggs, hay,   NJ
                 IA                                 seedlings, vegetables, perennials, flowers,   Fresh Food from fertile soil. River Birch Micro
                 At Thistles  &  Clover,  we  produce  grass-  grass-fed beef, humanely raised veal, local   Farm Member. Farm-to-Consumer Legal
                 fed beef, pastured poultry and farm-fresh   cheese, yogurt and maple syrup. Farm tours   Defense Fund. Eggs from chickens on grass
                 eggs.  Our products are nutrient-dense and   by appointment. Visit our farm stand store   pasture. Fruits, nuts and vegetables. Farmer/
                 delicious!  Delivery and shipment options   open every day. Contact Pam Robinson: www.  Soil Scientist Joseph Heckman, Ph.D. 19 For-
                 available.  Check out www.thistlesandclover., or   man Ave Monroe Township, New Jersey 08831
                 com.   Adam & Lucy Cameron.  Danbury (712)   (413) 477-6988.           11/1  (732) 605-0444.           11/3
                 371-9861.      11/3
                                                    MD                                  NY
                 IL                                 Organically raised grass-fed beef, free-range   Pure maple syrup and a wide variety of maple
                 Come to our farm! Healthy, FAT, beef & pork,   eggs, and pastured chicken. Pick up from   products from Maple Hill Farm Enterprises, LLC.
                 born and raised certified organic - no ni-  Potomac, Buckeystown or Emmitsburg (beef   5th Generation family farm, WAPF members
                 trates. Sides or cuts (as available) plus many   only). No hormones, antibiotics, or animal   and Certified Naturally Grown(naturallygrown.
                 other healthy foods. Chapter Leaders Dale   parts are fed. Beef never fed grain. Nick’s   org). Shipping anywhere, call 800-543-5379 or
                 Kelsey - sustainable producer receiving no   Organic Farm, Quality Organic Products since   visit        11/3
                 government funds, no grants, no subsidies,   1979, Nick Maravell, (301) 983-2167, nickma-
                 & Eileen Kelsey, CHom. incorporating WAPF        11/4  Raw milk from dutch belted cows organic cer-
                 Nutrition with Classical Homeopathy (815)                              tified farm-grass fed. Call us for other products.
                 239-1466. 11/3                     Windmill Meadows Farm, Washington County,   Ana Lups, Pleroma Farm, Hudson, NY (518 )
                                                    Grass-based sustainable family farm. Our   828-1966.             11/3
                 IN                                 focus: healthy, well-balanced soil produces
                 Raw milk cheeses, grass-fed beef, veal, whey-  healthy livestock on healthy grass for healthy,   New York Buyers Club. Certified organic
                 fed pork. Also, a variety of fresh raw dairy   good-tasting food products. Grass-fed dairy,   grass-fed dairy products from Jersey cows.
                 products available as pet food. 100% pasture   beef, goats, pasture-based poultry: (broilers &   Eggs from pastured chickens. Grass-fed beef,
                 fed cows. NO hormones, pesticides, antibiot-  layers). Availability to Washington DC markets,   pork and chicken. Fermented foods, Green
                 ics used. Available from the Yegerlehner’s The   (301) 739-5258 .           11/4  Pasture Products, soaked and dried nuts and
                 Swiss Connection. (812) 939-2813,                           raw honey. Will ship (717) 768-3437. Pleasant
       , Clay City, IN. 11/4  MI                          Pastures   11/3
                                                    Creswick Farms. Dedicated to raising healthy,
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