Page 107 - Spring2010
P. 107

The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                         Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                             Personal                    Wapf Lifestyle/Farming            Pasture-Raised Products
                  WHAT’S YOUR DREAM?  SWM, 54, 5’ 9”, athletic,   fight chickens for eggs, or just sit on the porch
                  sailing, silent sports, yoga, organic farm, cats,   rocker. Breakfast foods are supplied, guests are
                  eclectic, political consultant, left, social/farm/  welcome to prepare them when they desire.
                  food activist, sustainable lifestyle, passionate,   For more information, call (931) 863-5594
                  romantic, intellectual. ISO fit woman (mid-  or or http://www.
                  40s-early 50s), mutually affirming relationship,
                  Wisconsin: .    11/3  labelle-acres. html.         11/1

                              Services                      Work/Investment
                  FINE INTERIOR PAINTING. Quality residential re-
                  paint work for the discriminating home owner.   APPRENTICESHIP WANTED: in cooking, prepar-
                  Historical restoration a specialty. Outstanding   ing, and foraging traditional foods.
                  interior enamel trim work. Fine Interior Painting   Especially—basic culinary techniques, fer-      11/4
                  is a Fine Paints of Europe certified painting con-  mentation, head to tail processing/cooking,
                  tractor. Call for a contractor/client consultation.   traditional techniques for optimal nutrition,
                  Remember, there is more to painting than what   gastronomy, emphasis on principles of Weston
                  is in the can! Serving Western Massachusetts   Price. Please contact
                  but will travel to any geographic location. The   if you have an opportunity.      *11/2
                  on line home of Fine Interior Painting: PAINT8.
                  com JOHN DELMOLINO, Hadley, MA., (413)549-  APPRENTICESHIPS - VERMONT Farm seeks 2010
                  8776 Cell (413)210-4445.        12/3  apprentices. We integrate American Milking
                                                     Devon cattle, pigs and chickens with growing
                  REMODELING. Michael’s Remodeling, kitchen   and fermenting six tons of vegetables. Our
                  and bath design, basements, kitchens, decks.   grain-free cows support raw milk sales plus
                  Serving Northern Virginia for 17 years. Michael   butter and cheese making. We focus on sell-
                  Meredith (703) 764-956, Michaelsremodeling.  ing nutrient-dense foods while eating well
                  com     11/3  ourselves! Learning opportunities include
                                                     milking, biodynamics, natural livestock care.
                                                     Positions available April to November, short
                     Wapf Lifestyle/Farming
                                                     and long term. Cabins, food, laundry, Internet
                  EDUCATION/LODGING  -  McNutt  FARM  II   access and lots of education. Call Doug Flack,
                  SCHOOL, 6120 Cutler Lake Road, Blue Rock,   (802) 933-7752, Flack Family Farm, www.flack-
                  Ohio, 43720, (740) 674-4555 We welcome you Snailmail please.     11/4
                  by reservation and deposit, on-Farm lodging,
                  over night, weekend or week. Private quarters/  INVESTORS NEEDED. Next Level Productions is
                  equipped kitchen. 11/4             seeking investors to complete its documentary
                                                     film “Body Armor.” The film follows the journey
                  ORGANIC, LOCAL FOOD BASED CAFé for lease   of individuals with chronic illnesses as they
                  in Carlisle PA. Great opportunity for a skilled   explore natural medicine and alternative thera-
                  Weston Price oriented team. Complete green   pies. Contact Gabe Golden. (310) 779-2816,
                  facility, turn key operation. Large network of    *11/4                11/2
                  local producers provide beef, chicken, dairy
                  and eggs. take a look www.thegoodlifecafe.
                  com Call David at (717) 243 4968.   *11/4

                  SAWSOMME (SAW-SOM-ME): Sunshine - Air -
                  Water - Soil - Ocean - Minerals - Microbes - Ener-
                  gies. Properly balances life’s precious benefits.   The greatest fine art
                  All are needed in agriculture to start, nurture
                  and sustain life’s requirements. email: ehhsaw-  of the future
         (847) 464-5987. 11/4       will be the making
                                                            of a comfortable living
                  TN BED & BREAKFAST. Spend your next vacation   from a small piece of land.
                  on a working farm, LaBelle Acres in Jamestown,
                  TN. Guests are welcome to fish in the ponds,   Abraham Lincoln                                       11/2

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