Page 33 - Spring2010
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carbohydrate foods may explain why someone percent. Germinating black eyed beans resulted In legumes,
whose family eats white flour or white rice food in 75 percent removal of phytate after five days
products may seem to be relatively healthy and sprouting. sprouting is
immune to tooth cavities while those eating Germination is more effective at higher tem- the most
whole wheat bread and brown rice could suffer peratures, probably because the heat encourages effective way
from cavities, bone loss and other health prob- a fermentation-like condition. For pearled millet,
lems. sprouting at 92 degrees F for a minimum of 48 to reduce
hours removed 92 percent of the phytate. At 82 phytic acid,
PHYTATES AND GERMINATION degrees F, even after 60 hours, only 50 percent but this
Beer home brewers know that in order to of phytic acid was removed. Higher temperatures
make beer, they need malted (sprouted) grains. above 86 degrees F seem less ideal for phytate process does
Soaking and germinating grains is a good idea, removal, at least for millet. 39 not get rid of
but it does not eliminate phytic acid completely. Sprouting releases vitamins and makes all of it.
Significant amounts of phytic acid will remain grains and beans and seeds more digestible. How-
in most sprouted grain products. For example, ever it is a pre-fermentation step, not a complete
malting reduces wheat, barley or green gram process for neutralizing phytic acid. Consuming
phytic acid by 57 percent. However, malting grains regularly that are only sprouted will lead
reduces anti-nutrients more than roasting. In to excess intake of phytic acid. Sprouted grains
another experiment, malting millet also resulted should also be soaked and cooked.
in a decrease of 23.9 percent phytic acid after 72
hours and 45.3 percent after 96 hours. 37 ROASTING AND PHYTIC ACID
In legumes, sprouting is the most effective Roasting wheat, barley or green gram re-
way to reduce phytic acid, but this process does duces phytic acid by about 40 percent. If you
not get rid of all of it. Germinating peanuts led subsequently soak roasted grains, you should do
to a 25 percent reduction in phytates. After five so with a culture that supplies additional phytase,
days of sprouting, chick peas maintained about as phytase will be destroyed by the roasting
60 percent of their phytate content and lentils process.
retained about 50 percent of their original phytic
acid content. Sprouting and boiling pigeon pea ACIDIC SOAKING AND PHYTIC ACID
and bambara groudnut reduced phytic acid by 56 For grains and legumes that are low in
As Percentage of Dry Weight As Percentage of Weight
Sesame seeds dehulled 5.36 Cornbread 1.36
100% Wheat bran cereal 3.29 Whole wheat bread 0.43-1.05
Soy beans 1.00 - 2.22 Wheat bran muffin 0.77-1.27
Pinto beans 0.60 - 2.38 Popped corn 0.6
Navy beans 0.74 - 1.78 Rye 0.41
Parboiled brown rice 1.60 Pumpernickel 0.16
Oats 1.37 White bread 0.03- .23
Peanuts 1.05 - 1.76 French bread 0.03
Barley 1.19 Sourdough rye 0.03
Coconut meal 1.17 Soured buckwheat 0.03
Whole corn 1.05
Rye 1.01
Wheat flour 0.96
Brown rice 0.84 - 0.94
Chickpeas 0.28 - 1.26
Lentils 0.27 - 1.05
Milled (white) rice 0.2
SPRING 2010 Wise Traditions 33