Page 37 - Spring2010
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F and then soaking for 17 hours at 120 degrees F removes 98 percent of  cocoa powder may be fermented, others may not
                  phytates. Adding malted rye further enhances oat phytate reduction.    be. Check with the manufacturer before indulg-
                      Without initial germination, even a five-day soaking at a warm tem-  ing!
                  perature in acidic liquid may result in an insignificant reduction in phytate
                  due to the low phytase content of oats. On the plus side, the process of  CORN
                  rolling oats removes at least part of the bran, where a large portion of the     Corn is high in phytic acid and low in phy-
                  phytic acid resides.                                            tase. The Native Americans fermented cooked
                      How do we square what we know about oats with the fact that oats  corn meal for two weeks, wrapped in corn husks,
                  were a staple in the diet of the Scots and Gaelic islanders, a people known  before preparing it as a flat bread or tortilla. In
                  for their robust good health and freedom from tooth decay? For one thing,  Africa, corn is fermented for long periods of time
                  high amounts of vitamin D from cod’s liver and other sources, helps pre-  using a lactobacillis culture to produce foods like
                  vent calcium losses from the high oat diet. Absorbable calcium from raw  kishk, banku, or mawe. No such care is given
                  dairy products, consumed in abundance on mainland Scotland, provides  to corn products in the western world! But you
                  additional protection.                                          can prepare healthy corn products at home. As
                       In addition, it is likely that a good part of the phytase remained in  with oatmeal, the addition of a rye starter or rye
                  the oats of yore, which partially germinated in stacks left for a period in  flour to the soaking water may be particularly
                  the field, were not heat treated and were hand rolled immediately prior  helpful in reducing phytate content—think of
                  to preparation. And some Scottish and Gaelic recipes do call for a long  the colonial “Ryn‘n’Injun” bread made from rye
                  fermentation of oats before and even after they are cooked.     and corn. In one research project, soaking ground
                      Unprocessed Irish or Scottish oats, which have not been heated to  corn with 10 percent whole rye flour resulted in
                  high temperatures, are availabile in some health food stores and on the  a complete reduction of phytate in six hours.
                  internet. One study found that unheated oats had the same phytase activ-  Again, more research—and more experimenting
                  ity as wheat.  They should be soaked in acidulated water for as long as  in the kitchen—is needed!
                  twenty-four hours on top of a hot plate to keep them at about 100 degrees
                  F. This will reduce a part of the phytic acid as well as the levels of other  RYE TO THE RESCUE
                  anti-nutrients, and result in a more digestible product. Overnight ferment-     For those who need to reduce phytic acid
                  ing of rolled oats using a rye starter—or even with the addition of a small  to minimum levels—those suffering from tooth
                  amount of fresh rye flour—may result in a fairly decent reduction of phytate  decay, bone loss and nutrient deficiencies—the
                  levels. It is unclear whether heat-treated oats are healthy to eat regularly.  magic ingredient is rye. To bring the phytate
                                                                                  content of your diet to the absolute minimum,
                  SEEDS                                                           add freshly ground rye flour or a sourdough rye
                      Seeds—such as pumpkin seeds—are extremely high in phytic acid  culture to rolled or cut oats, cornmeal, rice and
                  and require thorough processing to remove it. Some may be removed by  other low-phytase grains, then soak in an acidic
                  soaking and roasting. It is best to avoid consuming or snacking on raw  medium—preferably water with whey, yogurt
                  seeds. By the way, cacao is a seed. Cacao contains irritating tannins and is  or sour milk added—on a hot plate to bring the
                  said to be extremely high in phytic acid, although studies verifying phytic  temperature up to about 100 degrees F. This is
                  acid levels in cacao could not be located. Some brands of raw cocoa and  a better solution than consuming white rice and
                                                                                  white flour, which are relative low in phytate
                   FIGURE 7: NUTRIENTS IN GRAINS AND OTHER FOODS    67            but have a greatly reduced mineral content (see
                   In milligrams per 100 grams.                                   Figure 7).
                                            Calcium Phosphorus Iron   Calories       The intention of the article is not to impose a
                   Whole grain wheat flour      34     346    3.9    339          decision about whether or not to consume grains,
                   Unenriched white flour       15     108    1.2    364          nuts, seeds and beans; rather it is to clarify how to
                   White rice                   9      108    0.4    366          consume them with awareness. This way you can
                   Milled rice                  10-30  80-150  .2-2.8  349-373
                   Brown rice                   10-50  170-430 .2-5.2  363-385    maximize your health by making grain-based
                   Blue corn mush (Navajo)      96     39     2.9    54           foods more digestible and absorbable. Now it is
                   Acorn stew                   62     14     1      95           very clear which foods contain phytic acid and
                   Milk                         169    117    0.1    97           how much they contain, what the health effects
                   Free range buffalo steak     4      246    3.8    146          of phytic acid are and how to mitigate phytic
                   Cheese, mozzarella           505    354    0.4    300          acid in your diet with complementary foods rich

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