Page 42 - Spring2010
P. 42

Even though        arose because these children were suffering from  actually push the bone marrow cells out of the

                          oxalate     kidney stones and high oxalate concentrations.  bones, leading to severe anemia. Deficiencies of
                                      The children would urinate only a small amount  red blood cells as well as white blood cells may
                     crystals are     at a time since when urinating normally the  result due to the oxalate depositions in the bones.
                             most     pressure of the stream causes pain. Frequently  Oxalates can likewise cause osteoporosis. The
                    common in         releasing small amounts of urine causes much  oxalates form in the bone marrow and alter the
                                                                                structure of the bone matrix so the bone is much
                                      less pain to the child.
                     the kidney,                                                weaker and prone to breakage.
                        they also     NOT JUST IN THE KIDNEYS                       Other diseases in which oxalates may play
                                          Even though oxalate crystals are most com-
                                                                                a role include arthritis, joint pain and interstitial
                    can form in         mon in the kidney, they also can form in virtually  cystitis.
                    virtually any     any other tissue in the body, including the brain

                    other tissue      and the blood-brain barrier. Oxalate crystals  PROPERTIES OF OXALATES
                    in the body,      resembling pieces of glass can form in the heart     The shape of the crystal will depend on
                                      muscle. As the heart muscle contracts, these  which metal the oxalate combines with. Calcium
                  including the       pieces of oxalate crystals actually tear into the  is one of the most common but it can combine
                  brain and the       tissue. If these crystals are deposited in skeletal  with virtually any metal. There are cobalt oxa-
                    blood-brain       muscle, normal movement and exercise can be  lates and zinc oxalates. The cobalt ones are spear
                                      very painful. I’m convinced this is also one of  shaped whereas the zinc oxalate resembles thin
                          barrier.    the factors responsible for fibromyalgia. Oxalates  disks. These are extremely thin and very sharp.
                                      may also cause thyroid disease as they react in     Oxalates in the gastrointestinal tract have a
                                      thyroid tissue.                           tendency to bind essential elements. If you have
                                          Oxalate  crystals  can  form  in  the  bone.  a lot of oxalates, you won’t be able to utilize es-
                                      The oxalate crystals can become so dense they  sential elements like calcium, magnesium and

                                                           LEFT: Star-shaped kidney stones
                                                           can cause great pain in the kidneys
                                                           and bladder.

                                                             RIGHT: Typical stag-horn shaped
                                                                              kidney stone.

                                                          LEFT: A kidney stone
                                                          embedded in the kidney.

                                                            RIGHT: Oxalate stones
                                                                 resembling glass
                                                           embedded in the heart.

                 42                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2010
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