Page 44 - Spring2010
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problem, which is prevalent in autism. Arabinose along with a low-oxalate diet. These two approaches have been very ef-
is very low in normal children and very high in fective in correcting this condition.
those with autism. We found in my earliest re- Children who take oral antibiotics will frequently have much higher
search that treatment with the anti-fungal drug amount of oxalates. Antibiotics severely disrupt the balance of normal
Nystatin markedly decreased this compound. In flora in the gut, with a consequent exponential proliferation in the growth
addition, autistic symptoms such as hyperactiv- of Candida, which is resistant to antibiotics. Oral antibiotics first appeared
ity, lack of eye contact, and aggressive behavior in the early 1950s, and the pharmaceutical companies actually included
markedly decreased as well. Because of the antifungal drugs along with the antibiotics because they knew about this
dramatic reduction in symptoms, anti-fungal problem. The FDA disallowed the addition, declaring that there was no
treatment has become one of the most common approval for the prophylactic use of anti-fungals, thereby washing their
therapies in autism in the world today. hands of the whole business. It is significant to note that if individuals are
given the same amount of antibiotics intravenously, their oxalate values
VULVODYNIA do not rise because there was no effect on the GI tract. In some ways the
Another condition associated with oxalates old medical treatment—a shot of penicillin—was a lot safer.
is vulvodynia, or pain in and outside the vagina.
The oxalate crystals act like tiny pieces of glass, CHRONIC FATIGUE AND FIBROMYALGIA
which are deposited in the tissue. The oxalate is Yeast is a common factor in chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, and anti-
extremely acidic so it is corrosive as well. The fungal therapy is very useful in treating these problems. Jacob Teitelbaum
pain is often described as burning or stinging, has written several books about the treatment of fibromyalgia and indicates
with a feeling of rawness or irritation. two-thirds of individuals improved their chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
One of the published studies on the treat- after anti-fungal therapy.
ment of this condition states that this is due to a A Dr. Eaton in England found that individuals who had chronic fatigue
reaction with yeast. There is indeed a connection would actually produce alcohol from their sugar intake. He describes pa-
of vulvodynia with yeast, most often Candida. tients who would do a baseline blood-alcohol test, then take some glucose
There are about a dozen different species of Can- dissolved in a flavored drink, and measure the blood alcohol one or two
dida yeast normally associated with humans, the hours later. The blood alcohol would be substantially higher if the person
most common of which is Candida albicans. It had a severe Candida problem.
was found that the main way to treat volvodynia Eaton found that by using this test he could monitor patients undergo-
was anti-fungal treatment to get rid of Candida, ing different treatments for chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and found
The OH component readily attaches AGXT
to minerals like calcium, zinc and mercury,
forming oxalates.
Oxalates in the body come from
food, can be formed in the gut by yeasts
and fungi; or they can result from an
interruption in the glycolate pathway in
which nutritional deficiencies and inborn
errors of metabolism cause the formation
of oxalates rather than the protein glycine.
44 Wise Traditions SPRING 2010