Page 43 - Spring2010
P. 43

zinc because they will also form deposits with oxalates. If you have excess  They may also have pain in the urinary tract.
                  oxalates, you may have to increase your intake of calcium, magnesium  That pain is relieved when a low oxalate diet is
                  and zinc. In addition, rather than acting as antioxidants, oxalates are pro-  instituted. Owens also found that children had
                  oxidants, so they encourage the oxidation of your fats, forming rancid fats  improved cognitive, academic and motor skills
                  in your body.                                                   once the amount of oxalates in their diets was
                                                                                  sharply reduced. The same dietary measures
                  A FUNGAL ORIGIN                                                 helped reduce pain in their muscles and feet,
                      An unexpected finding is the fact that oxalate crystals are produced in  and also brought about a reduction in abnormal
                  very high amounts by molds and fungus. Aspergillus—a common organ-  behavior and self-abuse as well.
                  ism that causes infection in humans and also is found in the black fungi     Eighty percent of people with genetic dis-
                  that you see in your bathroom—produces oxalates.                eases that cause them to produce kidney stones
                      I remember I was in San Juan, Puerto Rico, at the old fort that over-  die before the age of twenty. These genetic dis-
                  looks the sea. There was a lot of black mold on the walls and I could see  eases, which belong to a class of disorders called
                  stalactites coming down. The stalactites in this case were formed from  hyperoxaluria, are frequently fatal unless the vic-
                  calcium oxalate. Aspergillus produces these oxalates, and these stones  tim receives both a liver and a kidney transplant.
                  will form any place that has infection by the fungus.           Sometimes even after the transplants people die
                      In the case of sinus infection, mold and fungus, not bacteria, are the  because the oxalates are deposited in tissues all
                  most common causes of infection. A colleague of mine, who is an eye, nose  throughout the body. The oxalates will come out
                  and throat specialist, X-rayed a patient’s sinuses and found large oxalate  of the bones or the muscles and then form in the
                  crystals in her sinuses, which disappeared after anti-fungal treatment.   transplanted kidneys and still kill the person.
                      Large oxalate crystals have also been isolated from the lungs of people     More than a third of children with autism
                  who had Aspergillus infection of the lungs. The deposits can also form in  have oxalate values as high as people who have
                  the skin where they create black areas and necrotic lesions in people with  these rare genetic disorders, even though these
                  very high oxalate levels.                                       autistic children do not have the disorders. The
                                                                                  question naturally arose: If they don’t have this
                  OXALATES AND AUTISM                                             genetic disorder, why are their oxalates so high?
                      I first became interested in this topic because of improvements that     We correlated the amount of oxalate in au-
                  were noted in autistic children by the researcher Susan Owens. It was  tistic children with other biochemical parameters
                  Owens who collected the data showing that many autistic children had  and found there was a high correlation with the
                  frequent urination of small volume and found that the phenomenon was  sugar arabinose, which is a Candida marker. It
                  associated with oxalates. She also found that these children often mani-  appears that the main reason for the high oxalates
                  fested gastro-intestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and stomach pain.  in children with autism is because of the Candida

                                                            OxALATE PATHWAYS

                        About fifty percent of oxalate comes from the diet and the other fifty percent comes from what your body makes
                     itself. Oxalic acid in the diet is first converted to glycolate, then glyoxylate, and then at this point glyoxylate can either
                     bind to a mineral to form oxalate or it can be transferred and form glycine.
                        If you have a genetic deficiency in the enzyme AGxT, the glyoxylate primarily forms oxalate because reduced
                     amounts of AGxT do not function adequately to override this process. One in five people in the population has this
                     genetic variant in which they cannot detoxify this compound. Instead it predominantly forms oxalate.
                        It has been found that one third of the people with oxalate toxicity have this genetic variant, and 53 percent of
                     them are likely to have acute, very severe neurotoxicity versus only 4 percent in those with normal genotype expres-
                     sion. Probably a high percentage of people who have kidney stones are in this group of 20 percent of individuals with
                     this genetic variant.
                        One of the body’s energy production factories called glycolysis is inhibited by oxalates. The enzyme pyruvate kinase
                     is involved in the last step in the body’s energy production and is strongly inhibited by oxalate. It is very interesting that
                     the same enzyme inhibition is largely responsible for Tourette syndrome. People with Tourette syndrome, however,
                     have strep antibodies that inhibit this enzyme. Oxalates also strongly inhibit the same enzyme.
                        The critical factor here is that this enzyme works much better in the presence of high amounts of vitamin B . This
                     is another one of the holistic treatments for people with kidney stones. In fact, vitamin B  treatment is also used by the
                     mainstream medical community for people with kidney stones.
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