Page 47 - Spring2010
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The optimum dosage is approximately 300-350 mg calcium as calcium There are a number of medical tests for oxa-
citrate for a total of 1000 mg (one gram) of calcium a day. If you’re taking late status that we use at Great Plains Laboratory.
this you don’t need additional sources of calcium. An even better approach We have a urine panel to measure oxalates and
would be to use magnesium citrate. The adult dosage is about 300-400 we can also test for yeast markers. We typically
mg a day. Some practitioners recommend up to 1000 mg but many people find that where the yeast marker is very high, the
report problems with diarrhea if they exceed 400 mg. Again, a divided oxalate marker is also very high. We also test for
dose would be best, taking the magnesium citrate with each meal. vitamin B .
Some other supplements that can be very useful include probiotics and With these measures, kidney stones are
anti-fungal medication to help to control Candida. The probiotic bacteria largely preventable. This is good news because
have enzymes that break down oxalates. oxalate buildup can do a lot of damage.
The amino acid arginine helps to prevent the depositing of oxalates
in the tissues. William Shaw, PhD, is Director of The Great
The omega-3 fatty acids and cod liver oil are also very effective in Plains Laboratory for Health, Nutrition and
preventing oxalate deposition. The omega-6 fatty acids, mostly from com- Metabolism, a laboratory specializing in the
mercial vegetable oils, behave in the reverse, and accelerate the deposition diagnosis and treatment of metabolic disorders
of oxalate. of adults and children along with autism, PDD,
The supplement that is most helpful is vitamin B . This costs only hyperactivity, inborn errors of metabolism and
pennies a day and is extremely safe. I take 100 mg every single day. I adult disorders such as depression, fibromy-
recommend just the pyridoxine form. I know the type called P5P is also algia, and chronic fatigue.
used but personally I don’t think you get the additional benefit by the P5P.
Spring 2005 Vitamin B ; Liver; Cobalt in Agriculture; The China Study; Making Yogurt
Summer 2005 Wrong Advice in Baby Books; Homemade Formula FAQs; Vaccinations; Reproductive Health; Baby Food
Summer 2006 Modern Bread; Recovery from Celiac; Naked Oats; Cloth Diapers; Gluten-Free Recipes; Sunburn
Fall 2006 Is Vitamin D Toxic? Sunlight and Melanoma; Saturated Fat Attack; Varicose Veins; Picky Eaters
Winter 2006 History of Organic Agriculture; Making Our World GM-Free; Vitamin D for Infants; Legumes
Spring 2007 Dr. Price’s Activator x; Digestive Fire; Copper-Zinc Imbalance; Adjusting to a Traditional Diet
Winter 2007 Children’s Issue: Gut and Psychology Syndrome; Vitamins for Fetal Development, Traditional Remedies
Summer 2008 History of Mercury in Medicine; Toxic Metal Cleanse; Agriculture in Ancient Rome
Fall 2008 WAPF Diet Budget; Healthy School Lunch Program; Setting Up a Local Food Club; Raw Milk Illness Reports
Winter 2008 Fat-Soluble Vitamins for Mental Health; Moods and the Immune System; Metals and the Mind
Spring 2009 The Cod Liver Oil Debate; Cod Liver Oil Manufacture; Diet in Scotland; Curds and Whey
Summer 2009 Treating Low Metabolism; A Thyroid Treatment Protocol; Iodine Debate; Non-Gluten Sourdough Baked Goods
Fall 2009 Treating Malocclusions; Cradleboards Among Native Americans; Nutrition Degrees and Certification
Winter 2009 Holistic Cancer Treatment; Live Blood Cell Analysis of Those on the WAPF Diet; Child-Led Weaning
(All articles from all journals are posted at
Back issues are $12 (includes shipping & handling).
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SPRING 2010 Wise Traditions 47