Page 29 - Spring2010
P. 29

Phytic acid not only grabs on to or chelates important minerals, but also  80 percent of the phosphorus—a vital mineral
                  inhibits enzymes that we need to digest our food, including pepsin,  needed  for bones and health—present in grains is locked
                  for the breakdown of proteins in the stomach, and amylase,  needed for  into an unusable form as phytate.  When a diet
                  the breakdown of starch into sugar. Trypsin, needed for protein digestion  including more than small amounts of phytate
                  in the small intestine, is also inhibited by                               is consumed, the body will bind
                  phytates. 3                                                                calcium to phytic acid and form
                      Through observation I have witnessed                                   insoluble phytate complexes. The
                  the powerful anti-nutritional effects of a diet                            net result is you lose calcium, and
                  high in phytate-rich grains on my family                                   don’t absorb phosphorus. Further,
                  members, with many health problems as                                      research  suggests  that  we  will
                  a result, including tooth decay, nutrient                                  absorb approximately 20 percent
                  deficiencies, lack of appetite and digestive                               more zinc and 60 percent magne-
                  problems.                                                                  sium from our food when phytate
                      The presence of phytic acid in so many                                 is absent. 5
                  enjoyable  foods  we  regularly  consume                                      The  amount  of  phytate  in
                  makes it imperative that we know how to                                    grains, nuts, legumes and seeds
                  prepare these foods to neutralize phytic                                   is highly variable; the levels that
                  acid content as much as possible, and also                                 researchers find when they analyze
                  to consume them in the context of a diet   Six-sided phytic acid molecule with a   a specific food probably depends
                  containing factors that mitigate the harmful   phosphorus atom in each arm.   on growing conditions, harvesting
                  effects of phytic acid.                                                  techniques, processing methods, test-
                                                                                  ing methods and even the age of the food being
                  PHYTATES IN FOOD                                                tested. Phytic acid will be much higher in foods
                      Phytic acid is present in beans, seeds, nuts, grains—especially in the  grown using modern high-phosphate fertilizers
                  bran or outer hull; phytates are also found in tubers, and trace amounts  than those grown in natural compost. 6
                  occur in certain fruits and vegetables like berries and green beans. Up to     Seeds  and  bran  are  the  highest  sources

                      FIGURE 1: FOOD SOURCES OF PHyTIC ACID   7         FIGURE 2: PHyTIC ACID LEvELS 8
                      As a percentage of dry weight                     In milligrams per 100 grams of dry weight

                      FOOD               MINIMUM  MAxIMUM               Brazil nuts          1719
                      Sesame seed flour     5.36   5.36                 Cocoa powder         1684-1796
                      Brazil nuts           1.97   6.34                 Brown rice           1250 9
                      Almonds               1.35   3.22                 Oat flakes           1174
                      Tofu                  1.46   2.90                 Almond               1138 - 1400
                      Linseed               2.15   2.78                 Walnut               982
                      Oat meal              0.89   2.40                 Peanut roasted       952
                      Beans, pinto          2.38   2.38                 Peanut ungerminated    821
                      Soy protein concentrate  1.24   2.17              Lentils              779
                      Soybeans              1.00   2.22                 Peanut germinated    610
                      Corn                  0.75   2.22                 Hazel nuts           648 – 1000
                      Peanuts               1.05   1.76                 Wild rice flour      634 – 752.5
                      Wheat flour           0.25   1.37                 yam meal             637
                      Wheat                 0.39   1.35                 Refried beans        622
                      Soy beverage          1.24   1.24                 Corn tortillas       448
                      Oats                  0.42   1.16                 Corn                 367
                      Wheat germ            0.08   1.14                 Coconut meat         270 – 357
                      Whole wheat bread     0.43   1.05                 White flour          258
                      Brown rice            0.84   0.99                 White flour tortillas    123
                      Polished rice         0.14   0.60                 Polished rice        11.5 - 66
                      Chickpeas             0.56   0.56                 Strawberries         12
                      Lentils               0.44   0.50

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