Page 25 - Spring2010
P. 25

fruits and vegetables. Reactions are caused when  leaves of vegetables. It is also crucial to eat only
                  arachidonic acid is tripped into the inflammatory  fruits and vegetables that have been allowed to
                  chemicals called leukotrienes, causing dilated  ripen.
                  blood vessels, constricted bronchial passages and     Fruits high in salicylates include all dried
                  mucus production.  In addition to experiencing  fruits and most berries, including the blueber-
                  allergy-like symptoms, people sensitive to sa-  ries we’re all told to eat because they are a “su-
                  licylates may suffer from asthma, hives, nasal  perfood.” Cherries, oranges, pineapples, plums,
                  polyps, chronic swelling and a wide variety of  grapes, peaches, nectarines, watermelon, can-
                  gastrointestinal symptoms, including irritable  taloupe, grapefruit and most varieties of apples
                  bowel. Salicylates are also linked to a long list  pose problems for salicylate sufferers. Indeed
                  of physical and mental symptoms, including—  the only fruits low in salicylates are banana,
                  just for starters—acne, bedwetting, restless leg  lime, pear, golden delicious apples and papayas.
                  syndrome, tinnitus, tics, styes, hyperactivity,  Vegetables high in salicylates include cooked
                  headaches, anxiety, hallucinations, weepiness,  tomatoes, chili peppers, water chestnut, alfalfa
                  blurred vision, fidgiting, bad breath, body odor,  sprouts, broccoli, cucumber, eggplant, spinach,
                  and even constant hunger!  Obviously, there are  sweet potato and zucchini. Moderate levels are
                  many other risk factors for these complaints,  found in asparagus, beets, carrots, potatoes and
                  but 2-4 percent of outpatients attending allergy  mushrooms. Sadly very high levels of salicylates
                  clinics, 2 percent of those with Crohn’s disease,  are found in coconut oil, a fact that might explain
                  7 percent of those with ulcerative colitis, and  why some people seem to be allergic to this
                  15-20 percent of those who attend ear, nose and  otherwise healthy oil. Olive, sesame and walnut
                  throat clinics are salicylate intolerant. 86,87    oils are also high in salicylates. The good news
                      Although individuals prone to inflamma-  is that there are negligible amounts in butter. For
                  tory responses are typically advised to cut out  an extensive Food Guide, visit www.salicylate-
                  meat and other foods rich in arachidonic acid,
                  the surprising culprit for some health conscious     An elimination diet accompanied by a food  Although
                  individuals might be fruits and vegetables. Re-  diary is the best way to determine whether sa-  individuals
                  searchers in Scotland who tested vegetarians  licylates are causing any health problems. To do   prone to
                  versus non-vegetarians found much higher levels  this, avoid any medications containing salicylates
                  of salicylates in the vegetarians’ urine, though  and limit the diet to foods that either do not con- inflammatory
                  considerably less than subjects taking aspirin. 88,89   tain salicylate or are very low in salicylates for a   responses are
                  Most people can handle average amounts of sa-  month to six weeks. Once the body has cleared   typically
                  licylate in food, products and medications with-  any stored salicylate, symptoms will abate if, in
                  out adverse health effects. People with salicylate  fact, you are salicylate intolerant. Although strict  advised to cut

                  intolerance, however, are unable to handle more  avoidance is generally recommended, research-  out meat and
                  than a certain amount of salicylates at a time. The  ers have shown that fish oil can reduce salicylate   other foods
                  amount varies from person to person. Salicylates  sensitivity;  cod liver oil with its needed vita-
                  also have a cumulative effect in the body and  mins A and D should work even better.   rich in
                  build up over time. Thus some people may feel                                        arachidonic
                  great when they first start a raw vegan diet with  PHYTOCHEMICAL WARFARE             acid, the real
                  lots of juicing, only to later develop salicylate     In conclusion, the plant world has marshalled
                  intolerance.                              a formidable army of anti-nutrients and toxins,  culprit for
                      The levels of salicylates found in food can  programmed to kill predators—including human   health
                  vary greatly, with raw foods and dried foods  plant eaters—through phytochemical warfare.   conscious
                  containing higher levels than the same cooked  These can contribute to malnutrition, digestive
                  foods. But cooked foods concentrate salicylates  distress,  thyroid  disorders,  immune  system  individuals
                  in products such as sauces, purées and syrups.  breakdown, infertility, autism, ADD, ADHD, al-  might be
                  People who are salicylate sensitive may find it  lergies and even heart disease and cancer.    fruits and
                  helpful to peel fruits thickly (so as to cut off areas     Proponents of plant-based diets claim that
                  just under the skin) and to throw away the outer  the evidence against protease inhibitors, phy- vegetables.

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