Page 20 - Spring2010
P. 20

ingredients in processed supermarket foods as  safely over the winter, but a potential problem
                                      well as vegetarian “health foods.”        when we want to eat those seeds, grains and
                                          The organ in greatest danger is the pancreas.  beans. The way phytates deactivate the life force
                                      When protease inhibitors keep the pancreas  is by binding tightly with minerals. In order for
                                      from producing enough trypsin and proteases,  seeds to leave their dormant phase and begin to
                                      the body compensates by increasing the number  sprout and grow, they are planted in warm, moist,
                                      of pancreatic cells (hyperplasia) and their size  slightly acidic soil each spring. 26,27  To eat grains,
                                      (hypertrophy). If this happens here and there, the  nuts, beans and other seeds, we are wise to do
                                      pancreas rises to the challenge and then recov-  much the same by preparing them in a warm,
                                      ers. However, when the pancreas is stressed day  moist and slightly acidic medium.
                                      after day, pancreatitis and even cancer become     Advocates for plant-based diets often point
                                      distinct possibilities. 17-19  In the 1970s and 1980s,  out the high mineral content of their foods, but
                                      researchers studying protease-inhibitor damage  rarely take into account how phytate content
                                      to the pancreas noted that pancreatic cancer had  might affect their assimilation of these minerals.
                                      moved up to fifth place as a cause of cancer death  Zinc is particularly affected.  A component of
                                      among humans, and wondered whether there  more than three hundred enzymes, zinc affects
                                      might be a soybean-protease inhibitors con-  every function in the body. Growth, immunity,
                                      nection. 20-22  Recently pancreatic cancer moved  wound healing, mental health, intelligence, di-
                                      up to fourth place as a cause of cancer deaths  gestion, blood sugar regulation , thyroid function,
                                      in men and women in the United States,  a  weight, sex hormones and skin are all adversely
                                      fact underscored to the American public by the  affected by zinc deficiency.
                                      deaths of actor Patrick Swayze of Dirty Danc-     Iron loss through phytate blockage can lead
                                      ing fame and Randy Pausch of Carnegie-Mellon  to “iron-poor blood” and iron deficiency anemia,
                                      University, who became a hero in the eyes of  resulting in fatigue, lethargy, weakened immu-
                                      millions because of his moving Last Lecture.  nity and learning disabilities. Iron deficiencies
                                      The fact that this ongoing rise in pancreatic  also affect the thyroid gland by reducing the
                        Phytates      cancer has occurred along with a rise in human  output of thyroid hormone, which in turn leads
                             are a    consumption of soybeans does not prove cause  to lower body temperature, lethargy and weight
                                      and effect. Indeed, numerous dietary and envi-
                          leading     ronmental factors undoubtedly play their parts.     Calcium absorption, also adversely affected
                            cause     However, the concurrent increase in pancreatic  by phytates, is worsened when these foods are
                          of poor     cancer cases alongside pertinent animal studies  processed using alkaline chemicals. Claims that
                                      is suggestive—and sobering.
                                                                                plant-based diets contain plenty of the calcium
                         growth,                                                we need for bone building and other functions are
                         anemia,      PHYTATE FOLLIES: TIES THAT BIND           seriously undercut when one considers the phy-
                                          Phytates found in beans, grains and other  tate content and modern processing methods.
                         immune         seeds are anti-nutrients that block proper absorp-  In products naturally low in calcium such as soy
                           system     tion of iron, zinc, calcium and other minerals.  milk, manufacturers like to boast about added
                 incompetence         They are a leading cause of poor growth, anemia,  calcium while remaining mum about phytates.

                       and other      immune system incompetence and other health  Finally, phytate-induced mineral deficiencies
                                      woes in Third World countries where plant-based  facilitate displacement of needed minerals by
                health woes in        diets are the norm, and are increasingly a prob-  toxic metals, for examples, iron by lead and zinc
                   Third World        lem in First World countries where plant-based  by cadmium. 31,32
                                                                                    So what about the phosphorous that is es-
                       countries      and vegan diets are widely considered chic and    sential for growth and bones? There’s plenty
                           where          In the plant kingdom, phytates serve two  of it in beans, grains and other seeds, but 50 to
                    plant-based       primary functions: they prevent premature ger-  75 percent of it’s tied up in the phytates and not
                   diets are the      mination and they store the phosphorous that  readily bioavailable.  Inefficient phosphorus uti-
                                      plants need to grow.
                                                            Phytates are valuable  lization in humans and animals results in stunted
                            norm.     to humans because they allow us to store seeds  growth as well as other nutritional consequences.
                 20                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2010
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