Page 19 - Spring2010
P. 19

TRYPING UP THE DIET                       tease inhibitors in soy, and enough heat could
                  THE PERILS OF PROTEASE INHIBITORS         dispatch all of them, the obvious solution would
                      Protease inhibitors inhibit some of the key  seem to be to cook the soybeans to death. Unfor-
                  enzymes that help us digest protein. The best  tunately, extra heating damages the structure of
                  known of these protease enzymes is trypsin.  the essential amino acids methionine and lysine
                  Most of the USDA studies performed over the  and in extreme cases damages the total protein
                  years have looked at trypsin inhibitors in soy-  so much that it is hard to digest, assimilate and
                  beans, but these anti-nutrients are also found in  utilize by the body. When modern food manufac-
                  other beans, grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables of  turers use alkaline solutions to speed things up,
                  the nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes and  the essential amino acid lysine can be turned into
                  eggplant) and various fruits and vegetables.   the toxic lysinoalanine. 13-15  Even if food manu-
                      Traditionally, few of these foods caused  facturers made it a priority to cook soybeans just
                  health  problems  be-                                            right, some protease
                  cause they were rarely                                           inhibitors would be
                  eaten every day and                                              undercooked  and
                  because cooking de-                                              others overcooked.
                  activates most of the                                            Despite  scores  of
                  protease  inhibitors.                                            USDA  studies,  no
                  But given the grow-                                              practical method of
                  ing  tendency  to  fill                                          solving  this  prob-
                  up  on  plant  foods,                                            lem  has  ever  been
                  and the fashionability                                           devised. To this day,
                  of  al  dente  cooking                                           the only way to solve
                  and “live food” (raw)                                            the protease inhibi-
                  vegan diets, more and                                            tor problem is old-  Proponents of
                  more people are eat-         The carnivorous piranha plant       fashioned fermenta- plant-based
                  ing foods with their        shows that plants can bite back!     tion.               diets generally
                  protease  inhibitor                                                    Many people
                  content intact. Proponents of plant-based diets  dismiss the protease inhibitor conundrum, say-  believe their
                  generally believe their diets provide plenty of  ing that a few of them here and there don’t pose  diets provide
                  protein, but this premise fails to take into account  a problem. That is undoubtedly true for people   plenty of
                  the fact that protein swallowed is not the same as  eating a richly varied omnivorous diet. But for
                  protein digested when protease inhibitors are in  soy formula-fed infants, vegetarians and others   protein, but
                  the picture. Without high-quality, usable protein,  who eat soy every day, the numbers add up.  this premise

                  growth, repair, immunity, hormone formation  Even the small quantities used as extenders in   fails to take
                  and all metabolic processes will suffer.   meat products, canned tuna, bakery goods and
                      The protease inhibitors in soybeans are not  other ordinary supermarket and health food store   into account
                  only more numerous than those found in other  products and fast foods can adversely affect  the fact that
                  beans and foods, but more resistant to neutral-  people whose digestive capacities are already   protein
                  ization by cooking and processing.  Only the  compromised by low hydrochloric acid levels,
                  old-fashioned fermentation techniques used to  pancreatic insufficiency, bowel diseases, gluten   swallowed is
                  make miso, tempeh and natto come close to  intolerance and other health challenges. Worse,  not the same
                  deactivating all of them. With all other cooking  the average American may be eating soy protein   as protein
                  processes, some trypsin inhibitors remain. The  along with soy or corn oils, a deadly combination
                  levels of active protease inhibitors remaining in  that has led to pancreatic cell proliferation and   digested
                  modern soy products vary widely from batch to  cancer in laboratory rats.  Both these oils have  when
                  batch, and investigators have found startlingly  been shown to initiate or fuel cancers, and be-  protease
                  high levels in some soy formulas and soy protein  cause of a synergistic effect, the danger appears
                  concentrates. 6-12                        to be greatest when the combined intake is high.   inhibitors are
                      Given the fact that heat deactivates the pro-  Soy protein, soy oil and corn oil are all familiar  in the picture.

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