Page 16 - Spring2010
P. 16
Caustic Commentary
lower age suffered the most detrimental effects. In another a related study, scientists from Kansas State University report
recent paper, researchers found that boy babies receiving data from animal studies suggesting that some antioxidants
the hepatitis B vaccination had a three-fold greater risk for may deplete the body of compounds like hydrogen peroxide,
developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (Annals of Epi- which plays a role in the relaxation of blood vessels. Accord-
demiology 2009 Sept 19(9):659). While the pharmaceutical ing to Professor David Poole, “We’re now learning that if
industry works non-stop to sweep the growing evidence of antioxidant therapy takes away hydrogen peroxide—or other
vaccination damage under the rug, more and more parents naturally occurring vasodilators, which are compounds that
are just opting out. According to the CDC, nationwide rates help open blood vessels—you impair the body’s ability to
for fully vaccinated children are about 75 percent, and as low deliver oxygen to the muscle so that it doesn’t work properly”
as 60 percent in some states, such as Montana (www.usnews. (, January 27, 2010).
com, August 27, 2008). In some areas, such as Ashland, Or-
egon, in some schools, up to three quarters of the children NONCOMPLIANCE
are unvaccinated (, August 27, 2008). Estimates of how many Americans take cholesterol-lowering
statin drugs range from eleven to thirty-six million. Even the
THE ANTIOXIDANT MYTH higher number seems low—about 12 percent of the popula-
Antioxidants like vitamin C are the latest darling of the tion—considering the pharmaceutical industry’s huge push
supplement industry. In the Winter 2009 Caustic Commentary to get everyone on statins. Furthermore, a study out of Great
section, we reported on the adverse effects of large doses of Britain indicates that only a small number of people actually
vitamin C on endurance capacity. stick to the drugs once they are
Vitamin C is the most popular anti- prescribed. In one study, only
oxidant supplement, often taken in 21 percent of people were still
amounts exceeding 1000 milligrams. taking their medicine after three
An alert reader has pointed out a years; another found that only
new study that evaluated the effects about half were still filling their
of 1000 mg per day of vitamin C (as prescriptions after five years
ascorbic acid) and 400 IU per day (Journal of Epidemiology and
vitamin E on previously untrained Community Health 2010;64:109-
and pretrained men before and after a 113). In the newspaper report,
four-week intervention of physical ex- researchers noted that it is easier
ercise. The purpose of the study was to keep people on their meds
to determine the effect of antioxidants than convince new patients to
on harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS), which increase take them. They suggested several ways of nagging people
in the mitochondria during exercise. The surprising results: to continue with the statins, including telephone reminders,
exercise increased parameters of insulin sensitivity and ROS personal alarms and “better information about the medicine.”
defense capacity only in the absence of antioxidants. Further, If a patient has side effects or is “confused” about “scare sto-
mediators of endogenous ROS defense (superoxide dismutase ries” on the internet, “it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor
and glutathione peroxidase) were also induced by exercise and rather than simply give up on your medicine. There may be
this effect was also blocked by antioxidant supplementation. an alternative that you can switch to, or a lower dose may cut
It appears that the exercise-induced improvement in insulin the chance of side effects” (, January
sensitivity and defense against ROS is the result of the increase 15, 2010).
in ROS (which is tightly controlled), and that antioxidants, by
destroying the ROS actually prevent the health-promoting ef- BACON AND EGGS BACK IN BUSINESS
fects of exercise ( In After years of propaganda against high-cholesterol foods
16 Wise Traditions SPRING 2010