Page 12 - Spring2010
P. 12


                 was found in maple syrup, about twenty  of all, it has a low glycemic index; the  Our bodies assimilate these nutrients
                 years ago, and then the practice was  pancreas does not flood the system with  much more readily from fresh produce
                 banned in Canada about ten years ago.  insulin after the consumption of maple  than  from  commercial  supplements.
                 The FDA and state agriculture depart-  syrup. It is metabolized more slowly and     It appears that exposure to “insect
                 ments enforce this in the U.S. by routine,  evenly which also means this sugar is  pressure” increases the amount of these
                 random testing of maple syrup. There-  okay for diabetics in small amounts.   important nutrients in produce by up to
                 fore, if you are purchasing maple syrup     Take part in history, take care of  30 percent. With the routine spraying
                 made in the U.S., know that it is free of  your body and support farming by con-  on commercial farms, be they chemical
                 formaldehyde.                      suming maple syrup instead of refined  or commercial organic, these pest pres-
                    It’s also important to purchase syrup  sugar.                      sures do not occur. On ecological farms,
                 from the U.S. to support our producers.                Caroline Foote  most pest control is through the plant’s
                 If you take a look at most maple syrup            Cobleskill, New York  own immune system. Spraying is mini-
                 in your local grocery store, the syrup                                mal. Living soil organisms, maximized
                 generally comes from Canada, definitely  Caroline is the Schoharie County Chap-  in ecological farming but lost or ignored
                 not local. And, even though that syrup  ter Leader and co-owner of Maple Hill  in other types of farming, create the best
                 may be labeled natural or pure, you have  Farm, Cobleskill, New York.  soil and provide plants access to soil
                 no guarantee. The best way to purchase                                nutrients. Eco-Ag produce may excede
                 syrup is to find a producer,                                                   USDA nutritional standards
                 call them up, or visit their web                                               by 30 percent, making every
                 site and get to know them and                                                  bite  more  nutrient  dense!
                 how they make maple syrup.                                                           The  best  source  of
                 Make sure they are a fam-                                                      produce of this quality has
                 ily farm and then you really                                                   been  small,  local,  ecologi-
                 know you are getting the real                                                  cally managed farms, that is
                 thing!                                                                         farms using no toxic chemi-
                    Maple syrup is only pro-                                                    cal inputs plus ensuring soil
                 duced in northeastern U.S.                                                     nutrients balanced via Albre-
                 and Canada, and all farms in                                                   cht or similar systems. The
                 that region boiled the sweet                                                   easiest way to be assured of
                 sap at one time or another.                                                    a good supply of the freshest
                 It was used in trade and was                                                   local  high-mineral,  high-
                 a precious commodity. Most                                                     phytonutrient  produce  has
                 of the producers still around today are                               been by joining a Community Supported
                 farmers who can trace their maple syrup                               Agriculture (CSA) farm.
                 heritage back for five generations or so,  FAKE CSAs                      Unfortunately,  looking  through
                 like us.                               Recent  studies  of  phytonutri-  listings at, I noticed
                    Maple syrup isn’t just for pancakes.  ents  emphasize  the  need  for  a  di-  an increasing number of fake CSAs.
                 Granulated maple sugar and maple syr-  versity  of  plant  foods  in  our  diets.  A fake CSA exploits a consumer’s as-
                 up can be used instead of refined sugar  Phytonutrients mediate inflammation  sumption about the value of a CSA and,
                 in all recipes. It bakes well, is a great  and reduce cancer and heart disease  among other things, distributes non-
                 sugar to start yeast with and is good for  risk.  They  bolster  our  immune  sys-  organic produce they acquire from off
                 you as it contains trace minerals. Best  tems and reduce the effects of aging.  their farm. The actual source of food is
                 12                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2010
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