Page 9 - Spring2010
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referred to in shorthand as A1 in the Morell’s review of the book, Cells, Gels, Zealand, and we are breeding all our
text. These subgroups, but not A2 or A3, and the Engines of Life by Gerald H. Jerseys here at Sabo Ranch for A2 ge-
would be classified as “bad” according Pollack, PhD (Winter 2009). In the third netics. While we only have a small herd,
to the theoretical ability to be cleaved paragraph of her review, Fallon Morell within five years we will have more, and
and form beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM7). makes the following statement: “Water will breed specifically for family milk
Both A2 and A3 gene polymorphisms lines up against the cell’s inner struc- cows, and bulls that can spread A2 ge-
would then be considered “good” and tures hydrogen-end-to-oxygen-end, netics to other family farms around the
are called A2. not several molecules thick but dozens Northwest.
Lumping these subgroups together, of molecules thick, creating a zone that Devon cattle in the U.S. might also
it is unclear that the Jersey, ranging from excludes larger ions like sodium but not be a reservoir of A2 genetics. We are
50 to 57 percent “good,” is superior to smaller ones like potassium.” also developing a herd of beef Devon
the Holstein, ranging from 35 to 57 per- This statement is repeated later cattle here, and one of our herd sires
cent good across nine studies on three in the same paragraph. However, I am is also homozygous for A2 milk. Milk
continents. This is because Jerseys range seeking clarity on what Fallon Morell drinkers in New England might search
from 33 to 36 percent B beta-casein and is implying, because potassium ions are out the Milking Devon herds to find
this number must be added to the A1 larger than sodium ions, not the other A2 milk, and in so doing they will also
group to determine what percent have way around. promote the continuance of a heritage
the mutation of concern. By the way, I’ve been a member breed in America. Milking Devons are
Ranking of European dairy breeds for five years, and WAPF has literally listed in the Ark of Taste from the Slow
from “bad” to “good” based on a large changed my life for the better, tenfold. Food movement.
California study directly comparing Thank you for all you do. Keep asking! The more we request
American cattle breeds, would be first Andrew Rhodes these genetics, which are well known in
Holstein, then Milking Shorthorn tied San Diego, California Australia and New Zealand, the more
with Jersey, then Brown Swiss and farmers will respond.
finally Guernsey. There is a mixture of We asked Gerald Pollack whether we Jenny Sabo, Sabo Ranch
types within each breed that is consis- had made a mistake. His answer is that Harrison, Montana
tent across herds and studies. Because of what counts is the hydrated ion and the
this, Woodford in his book recommends hydrated sodium ion is larger than the It is good that farmers are making the
testing of individual animals. If one hydrated potassium ion. Pollack’s con- transition to A2 genetics but we do not
were to bet on a breed with the “best” cept is not original; it’s the centerpiece want our farmers with established A1
beta-casein type regarding production of of much of the work coming from Gilbert herds to feel under any pressure to do
BCM7, it would be the Guernsey with Ling, who formulated the theory almost so. A1 milk is fine for most people as
96 percent “good” genotype. half a century ago. long as the milk is raw and full fat, and
Dr. Meg Cattell, DVM, MS the cows are grass fed.
I am writing in response to a letter FOOD, INC. REVISTED
Dr. Cattell is a Northern Colorado to the editor (Winter 2009) regarding A2 I’m troubled by the DVD review of
WAPF chapter leader and a multi-breed milk. I agree that A1 milk is often the “Food, Inc.” in the Winter 2009 issue,
raw milk dairy farmer best we have currently in the U.S. for not just as a review but as somewhat
milk drinkers. However, a few farmers symptomatic of more basic issues which
BOOK REVIEW are breeding their cows for A2. I have I believe compromise and limit WAPF
I thoroughly enjoyed Sally Fallon sought out grassfed A2 bulls from New in its potential effectiveness.
SPRING 2010 Wise Traditions 9