Page 5 - Spring2010
P. 5


                  bag in a cool spot in the woods.   SOY LAWSUIT                         2011. The trial has enormous implica-
                     We age our beef for twenty-one      Thank you so much for filing a  tions for all institutions, not just prisons
                  days. Our USDA butcher does it in a  lawsuit on behalf of Illinois inmates  but also schools, nursing homes, and
                  large refrigerator at temperatures be-  regarding the soy foods they are forced  hospitals throughout the U.S. We have
                  tween 33-35 degrees. External fat cover  to eat. My husband is incarcerated and  excellent legal help, but legal work is
                  prevents spoilage. The butcher told us  both he and I adamantly avoid soy when-  expensive. Donations to this cause are
                  he doesn’t have another grassfed beef  ever possible. I send him a great deal of  much needed and most welcome. (They
                  producer who can get nearly enough fat  money so that he can buy food at the  are also tax deductible. Checks should
                  cover on their beef to make them eligible  commissary and cook in his cell instead  be made out to the Weston A. Price
                  for aging twenty-one days. Seven to  of eating the dangerous soy chow. I feel  Foundation/Soy Alert! Campaign.)
                  fourteen days is much more common  very bad for the many inmates whose
                  with small grassfed producers and wet  loved ones cannot afford to do this.  SOY AND ASBESTOS
                  aging is the process used for industrially      I’m sure you’re aware that the prison     I like your comparison of soy to
                  produced meats. Last year we were able  staff is also offered this food, which  asbestos. I see the day coming when soy
                  to even go twenty-eight days dry aged  probably explains why most bring their  will be just as discredited as tobacco,
                  on some pieces.                    own meals.                          and just as much of a litigation issue as
                     We are able to get this fat cover     I’d like to add that the prison visiting  asbestos. The soy prison case is getting
                  because of the way we manage our beef  room vending machines are also full of  more and more publicity, and the letter
                  herd. We only harvest our steers in the  soy. Of course it’s impossible to know  writing campaign you started will get
                  spring after the peak of the grass season,  what’s in a sandwich until you’ve bought  attention. This has really helped my
                  when the animals are between fourteen  it, because of the deceptive labeling.  efforts to get the people I know to stop
                  to eighteen months of age. We raise  I hate the fact that the USDA allows  using soy.
                  small-framed Angus-influenced cattle.  food manufacturers to label a sandwich     Thank you so much for bringing this
                  We have worked very hard to find top  “beef patty” when it contains TVP and  issue into the light of day.
                  quality genetics that finish on grass, not  soy. The “charbroil” contains no meat        Stanley Fishman
                  from the giant breeds designed to eat a  at all—what a joke! I sent a complaint        Danville, California
                  feedlot diet. Animals grow their bone  to the USDA about the “beef patty”
                  structure first, muscle next, and put on  sandwich, sent links to the vendor’s nu-  NONDISCLOSURE
                  fat last. We time their births so that they  tritional info, but have had no response     It took the National Institutes of
                  are of the right age to finish—that is,  yet.                          Health (NIH) from 1946 to 1971 to warn
                  to put on fat—when the grasses are the     What a shameful state our food  about severely damaging health effects
                  most abundant and are the most nutri-  supply is in. No wonder we’ve got an epi-  caused by the synthetic estrogen DES,
                  tious. We don’t try to finish animals ten  demic of cardiovascular disease, obesity,  even though a Freedom of Information
                  months of the year on crummy irrigated  and other preventable conditions. Thank  request disclosed knowledge of tragic
                  pasture like many other ranchers do in  you so much. I will be donating to your  DES estrogen health results decades
                  these parts. Here in the West with the  organization!                  prior to the disclosure. It took the NIH
                  high heat and dry summers, most ir-                 Sandra Van Maren   from 1942 to 1972 to report that Estro-
                  rigated pasture does not produce good                 Chicago, Illinois  gen Replacement Therapy (ERT) causes
                  meat, in our opinion.                                                  uterine cancer within six months to one
                                       Chris Kerston  Thank you for this expression of sup-  year after implementation. It took the
                              Chaffin Family Orchards  port. Our soy lawsuit is going forward  NIH six decades, from 1942 to 2002, to
                                  Oroville, California  and we expect the trial to take place in  allow release of information showing the

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