Page 3 - Spring2010
P. 3


                  GREETINGS FROM NORWAY              two weeks this spring. Now I can sleep  years. I just couldn’t believe what I
                     Greetings to all WAPF members  again, and I have recovered the thirty-  was hearing about raw milk so I drank
                  from Norway. Life in its fullness is not  three pounds I lost in that short period  one-third of my half gallon the night I
                  only about obeying; life is a marvelous,  of time. My family is again a unit, and I  brought it home.
                  unbelievable gift, as is raw milk. And  try to live in a more sustainable way. As     Amazingly, I had no problems at all.
                  we are definitely living in the day when  a part of my new life, I am now studying  In fact, I woke up the next morning with
                  many who are first will be last, and the  pedagogy and my plan is to be a full time  a strong craving for it. The next night I
                  last, first.                       teacher again.                      pushed the experiment further and ate a
                     Thanks to a local farmer, my family      In  a  nutshell,  I  try  to  live  more  huge piece of cake with buttery frosting
                  can obtain over two gallons of fresh raw  wisely, and not overdose people with  (this would normally put me in agony)
                  milk weekly, from happy cows on a local  information. To convince stiff adults is  and drank a big cup of the raw milk. I
                  organic farm. The milk has helped me  only a waste of time and energy. The  had not a single bit of discomfort. Truly
                  to recover after a trip to hell. During the  future belongs to the children and we  astounding.
                  last two years I have been hospitalized  want to develop educational units that     Now I can barely tolerate the soy
                  twice, and I have nothing good to say  give young people the opportunities to  milk and hemp drink I had been using
                  about the field of psychiatry, except that  choose a sustainable way of living, and  in place of milk. Even my two-year-old,
                  it has been a real study in human weak-  the knowledge of WAPF is naturally an  having tasted the raw milk just once, is
                  ness. I believe that the people living in  integrated part of it.      still asking for it two weeks later.
                  the most fear are the psychiatrists.      Bjørn Solberg, Chapter Leader                    Chris Downey
                      This week I got a new job, after                   Ames, Norway                   Annandale, Virginia
                  many  rejections,  and  I  have  started
                  teaching at Eidsvoll upper secondary  Bjørn’s experience is a lesson to us  VITAMIN D PROBLEMS?
                  school.  The  Weston  A.  Price  teach-  all. Trying to save the whole world can     I have been following the WAPF
                  ings will naturally be integrated into  make you go crazy. Instead we can all  diet since 2000 with excellent results.
                  the course. Eidsvoll is the place where  be effective teachers, not by promoting  In  the  winter  months  I  have  been
                  Norway signed the constitution in 1814  our message to those who don’t want to  supplementing my fermented cod liver
                  and Eidsvoll is also the end point for the  hear it, but by having the information  oil with one each of Carlson’s 1,000 IU
                  first railway in Norway.           on healthy diets available to people who  D  and 1,000 IU D  and 25,000 IU A.
                      By the way, our whole family had  show an interest.                After taking them for a week or so I get
                  “pigfluenza,” and we all recovered and                                 significant pain (inflammation) in a joint
                  got natural immunity without any medi-  AMAZING RAW MILK               (elbow, wrist or knee) that I can only
                  cation, except raw milk and time.      I’m entirely new to the Weston A.  describe as if I cracked the joint into a
                      On the surface we are a small chap-  Price Foundation. I’ve been hearing  painful position that is worse at either
                  ter and we don’t make much noise. The  about it at a local homeopathic study  extreme in the range of motion. When I
                  main activity is the distribution of Wise  group that I’ve been attending since  discontinue the Carlson’s supplementa-
                  Traditions and general information to  May. At first it sounded bizarre but the  tion I return to normal in a few days.
                  health care people, politicians and others  more I listened, the more it started mak-     Today I came across the Marshall
                  who show interest.                 ing sense (just like homeopathy). Then  Protocol  website  (
                     I  think  about  WAPF  every  day,  I tried, for the first time, some raw milk  doku.php/home), which says for many
                  and I want to make the message known  and it just blew me away. In fact, I’ve  inflammatory, autoimmune diseases
                  to everybody, but all my “wants and  never liked milk much and I’ve been  all vitamin D should be stopped along
                  musts” led to another hospitalization for  lactose intolerant for the past twenty  with other protocols for several years. I

                  SPRING 2010                                Wise Traditions                                            3
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