Page 4 - Spring2010
P. 4


                 would love to hear your comments on  itchy and bloodshot eyes, improved the  grazing land for over seventy weeks.
                 this. It may well warrant an article in  appearance of her skin, lost enough  Fecal indicator bacteria are thermotoler-
                 Wise Traditions.                   weight (even though bed-ridden) so that  ant E. coli and Klebsiella; the high heat
                                      Glenn Mingo,  her pants are all loose, and increased  of the fecal coliform test injures most
                               Churchville, Virginia  her energy and focus. Of course, this  other gram negative bacteria known as
                                                    is an artificial situation and one can’t  coliform.
                 The position of the Weston A. Price  normally make changes to one’s habits     EPA documents claim that the Clean
                 Foundation is that we should obtain  overnight, but when you can, it’s power-  Water Act mandated the disposal of sew-
                 our vitamins A and D from foods like  ful!                            age effluent and sludge on agricultural
                 cod liver oil rather than from isolated       Jill Ebbot, Chapter Leader  land; therefore EPA, FDA and USDA
                 supplements. Your experience with the         Brookline, Massachusetts  created a federal policy to accomplish
                 supplements proves our point. It is more                              that goal, along with a perception man-
                 likely that the problems you experienced  Thank you for that testimonial. Had your  agement program.
                 were caused by taking the large doses  friend been eating a consistent WAPF-     In the past few years private sector
                 of A and D as isolated supplements,  friendly diet she may have avoided the  scientists not involved in the perception
                 leading to an imbalance or deficiency  broken leg in the first place!  management program have documented
                 of another vitamin—such as vitamin                                    what EPA has known for three decades.
                 K —rather than an intolerance for vita-  SLUDGE REDUX                 But the perception management pro-
                 min D because of autoimmune disease,      Thank you for publishing my article  gram has the public blaming doctors and
                 especially as vitamin D is known to  on sewage sludge in Wise Traditions  farmers for the problems EPA created.
                 support immune function.           (Fall 2009). This issue is not going to                    Jim Bynum
                                                    die; it has taken on a life of its own. Our        Smithville, Missouri
                 WAPF BOOT CAMP                     problem to overcome is EPA’s percep-
                    A friend of mine took her Labrador  tion management program of creating  DRY-AGED BEEF
                 retrievers to the beach on Thanksgiv-  its own truth out of lies. Most report-     I am looking for any studies sug-
                 ing morning, and as it happened, they  ers repeat the lies because they are on  gesting that dry-aged beef is more nu-
                 rushed out of the water and into her.  deadlines and don’t have the time or  tritious and/or digestible. I have spoken
                 She was talking to a friend and didn’t  inclination to check the facts.   with many folks in the know who say
                 move out of the way. Her leg was broken     I  have  just  gone  through  some  that dry-aged beef  (versus  wet-aged
                 in three places, and she had to be taken  seven thousand documents in EPA’s  beef) is not only more palatable but more
                 to the hospital, where they implanted a  web archives. Early studies revealed  digestible and beneficial to gut flora. I
                 titanium plate.                    that treatment does not inactivate or kill  am sure most traditional cultures would
                    My friend is fifty-seven. As she  all bacteria but instead injures them,  have aged meats since refrigeration was
                 lives in a third floor walk up, she has  and actually creates antibiotic-resistant  not available.
                 come to stay with us, which means,  bacteria. Furthermore, the documents     Dry aging is a process whereby
                 coincidentally, Weston A. Price boot  showed that the injured bacteria are  either an entire carcass or specific cuts
                 camp. Not that it’s intentional exactly;  viable but nonculturable by standard  of beef are held at temperatures above
                 it’s just the way we eat. But in the space  methods; in other words, they can still  freezing for a given amount of time in
                 of about a week of eating exclusively  cause disease after treatment. These  order to let naturally occurring bacteria
                 nutrient-dense foods she has resolved  studies show that injured bacteria can  and enzymes break down and flavor
                 acid reflux, gas and bloating, serious  be reactivated one year later and that  the beef. Hunters do this by hanging
                 morning nasal congestion along with  E. coli and Salmonella can survive on  carcasses in a root cellar or in a game
                 4                                          Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2010
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