Page 6 - Spring2010
P. 6


                 many fatal risks of Hormone Replace-  cheap horse urine) is a healthy protein     The thought of loving parents who
                 ment Therapy (HRT), although Freedom  for infants, and the FDA will tell you  feed  their  infants  toxic  soy  formula
                 of Information Act documents prove  which essential ingredients must be add-  without any chance of knowing they
                 again they had massive study informa-  ed. This allows the industry to market  are encouraging irreversible painful ad-
                 tion decades prior, proving the host of  this cheaply produced, well established  verse health effects for their children is
                 fatal HRT effects. During these years  estrogenic hormone disruptor as infant  nearly unbearable. I helplessly watched
                 NIH allowed the same massive false  formula.  FDA  prohibits  estrogenic  my mother die because of HRT. I hope
                 advertising and physician persuasion of  chemicals for fetal and infant consump-  to lessen further suffering caused by
                 this highly popular drug fad targeting  tion, but not estrogenic soy formula.  FDA and NIH negligence by working
                 several million healthy women.         My neighbor’s daughter is autistic;  to expose the great danger of soy infant
                    I began finding published                                                   formula.
                 study information compar-                                                                     Gail Elbek
                 ing soy phytoestrogens with                                                       Santa Barbara, California
                 DES  estrogen,  and  also  to
                 estradiol, (as in ERT, HRT,                                                    DAIRY EDUCATION
                 birth  control  pills  and  the                                                      I  thought  you  might
                 patch). Soy phytoestrogens                                                     like to publish this wonderful
                 are a most potent and dan-                                                     photo, which I’ve had hang-
                 gerous exogenous estrogen,                                                     ing in my kitchen for years.
                 especially when unnaturally                                                    It gives a glimpse into how
                 manipulated. It is just unbe-                                                  dairy  foods  were  honored
                 lievable that we allow soy to                                                  in 1942, during the time of
                 be fed to vulnerable infants                                                   Weston Price. This photo was
                 and do not warn against its                                                    taken at a Polish grammar
                 use in pregnancy. The FDA                                                      school in Chicago; the teacher
                 lists soy on its Poisonous Plant Database  a grown young lady I know is infertile,  was a nun who put a lot of effort into this
                 and confirms that they have no evidence  as is another grown young man; a young  curriculum.
                 that any child can normally survive soy’s  lady I know died at nineteen from leuke-     Notice the detail, the wide range of
                 estrogenic endocrine disruptor toxicity.  mia; a young man has unusual allergies;  dairy mammals, and the mssages about
                    In the process of researching infant  a young child is diagnosed with diabe-  milk and dairy products. The children
                 formula approval protocols, the FDA  tes; another young child is diagnosed  are very healthy looking—some of them
                 confessed to me that the agency has not  with immune deficiency disorder. The  are dressed up as milkmen.
                 approved soy protein isolate, the main  only children I know with severe or fatal     My mother went to the same school
                 ingredient for infant formula. Instead,  health outcomes all have one thing in  years before and mentioned that the nuns
                 FDA simply relies on the industry for  common—they have all been fed soy  would make cheese from the leftover
                 evidence of a protein source, and then  infant formula.               bottles of milk. They would leave it on
                 the FDA only requires that essential     Medwatch has a long list of severe  the window ledge to cure!
                 minerals be added—and this qualifies  and fatal adverse effects reported by par-            Gina Orlando
                 as marketable infant formula!      ents feeding their children soy formula.             Oak Park, Illinois
                    If you are a profitable industry you  Medwatch reports are concealed from
                 can likely convince the FDA that horse  the public unless researched through  RAW MILK SURPRISES
                 dung (recall that ERT/HRT is made from  FOIA.                             I knew that my husband could drink
                 6                                          Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2010
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