Page 8 - Spring2010
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disappeared. The black cloud of depres- autistic children will develop epilepsy on the dangers of agave (Spring 2009)
sion lessened. in early childhood or as teenagers. because it seems that agave does have
However, our child’s seizures did According to Hippocrites, all dis- a relatively low glycemic index. Blue
not lessen in frequency or severity. eases begin in the gut. There is ample Agave Nectar posts this information on
Then we stumbled upon www.doctorj. proof that a damaged gut is directly its website, and they display a sticker on
com, written by John B. Symes, DVM, related to all those conditions seen in our their product that would invite a crack-
a veterinarian who provided the final children and later to obesity, alcoholism, down from the FDA for mislabeling food
piece of the puzzle. As we read his site arthritis, multiple sclerosis, osteoporo- if it were wrong.
so many things fell into place. Simply sis, Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral Sandy Schneider
put, our child had a severely damaged sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, lupus, Long Beach, California
intestinal system due to food allergies chronic fatigue, diabetes, schizophre-
and food intolerance. nia, major depression and other mental We are not arguing with the statement
Our final hope rested on Doctor J’s, illnesses, irritable bowel syndrome, that agave and high fructose corn syrup
new elimination diet. We eliminated all migraines, and more, much more. have a low glycemic index; but these
of the “glue” foods: all corn, all wheat Children with damaged guts will highly processed products are detrimen-
and all soy (we had already eliminated crave the very things they are allergic tal for other reasons; and just because a
all the byproducts and derivatives of to. They will emotionally disconnect. food has a low glycemic index does not
those now manipulated, bioengineered, More will fall into other addictions to mean that it is healthy.
toxic “foods,” pasteurized cow’s milk, ease their pain.
and all sugars, including sugar substi- The millions of villi in our intestinal CORRECTION
tutes). We learned about the horrendous system absorb nutrients. Our digestive In a recent book review on The
effects of non-fermented soy and real- system prevents toxins from reaching Devil in The Milk (Winter, 2009), a state-
ized that our child’s seizures and de- the brain. Once the villi are damaged, ment was made that has been repeated
pression had progressively gotten worse they can no longer absorb minerals and often and is erroneous. The reviewer
after the introduction of even more soy vitamins, fats and amino acids, nor can states that “old fashioned cows (such as
into our child’s diet. It was then that the they protect the brain from the thou- Jerseys, Asian and African cows)” are
seizures stopped and the healing began. sands of toxins in our world today. called A2 cows and have the original
There is a lot of information out there Over 60 percent of the so-called beta-casein amino acid configuration.
about the signs of food allergies and food food and drink on our grocery shelves He also states that “more modern breeds
intolerance but our child did not fit any are not only lacking in nutritional value, like Holstein” are called A1 cows. Many
of those profiles. they are poisonous! We find it amazing WAPF farmers and raw milk consumers
We are now seeing a whole array that it is illegal for children to purchase have used this statement as guidance in
of symptoms in our children, such as cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs yet any selecting cattle or milk supply sources.
autism, severe behavioral problems, child can purchase these poisons that Keith Woodford, Devil in the Milk
skin problems, asthma, gastrointestinal our government not only allows but also author, correctly states that all European
distress, ADHD, diabetes, depression actually sanctions and subsidizes with cattle breeds are relatively recent and
and all other forms of mental illnesses. our tax dollars. the dairy breeds originally all belonged
To this should be added idiopathic epi- Martha Hogan to beta-casein group A2. The point
lepsy. All these symptoms have already Sioux City, Iowa mutations that resulted in subgroups
reached epidemic levels. The autism rate A1, B, and C (not just A1) all include
has increased from one in 150 to one AGAVE CONFUSION an alteration of proline to histidine at
in 100 in only two years. One in four I am confused about your article the sixty-seventh amino acid. They are
8 Wise Traditions SPRING 2010