Page 7 - Spring2010
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                  raw milk even though he is lactose intol-  has not once complained of a tummy  filed in high court against packaged
                  erant. That made sense. I knew it took  ache.                          milk, and an advertisement appeared
                  care of my irritable bowel syndrome     Another friend had terrible back  in our local newspaper describing the
                  (IBS), which makes sense also. But there  pains for over a year. There were some  importance of raw milk. Every day I
                  are two other outcomes from raw milk  days when she had to stay in bed all day.  convince four or five of my patients to
                  that have really surprised me.     She went to the chiropractor and one  start raw milk and my husband, myself
                     First off, my daughter always com-  visit even made her back worse. How-  and my family are now on raw milk
                  plained about her tummy hurting. She  ever, after drinking raw milk, her back  since last June.
                  never wanted to eat because it made her  is fine! I did some research and found     I recently participated in a telecast
                  tummy hurt. Then I started to think that  out that an unhealthy gut can affect all  on raw milk; the response was over-
                  maybe her tummy hurt because of hun-  areas of your body, especially your back.  whelming and there is a strong stirring
                  ger pains. So I started making her eat.  Who knew such a simple change could  about the use of raw milk in Pakistan
                  But she would just complain after the  do so much!                     and many Arab countries.
                  meal that her tummy hurt. Her pediatri-                 Missy Schuler    Dr. Shagufta Feroz, Chapter Leader
                  cian was totally confused as to why and       Santa Barbara, California                  Lahore, Pakistan
                  wanted to do testing, which she knew I
                  would be against. I had discussed the  RAW MILK IN PAKISTAN            EPILEPSY AND GUT HEALTH
                  possibility of raw milk with her, and al-     I wanted to share very happily the     Our child has what is called idio-
                  though she hated the idea, she did admit  progress of raw milk in Pakistan. In  pathic epilepsy, that is epilepsy of no
                  that her brother drinks raw milk and his  December I gave a seminar at a uni-  known cause, and suffered uncontrolled
                  whole family says it has benefited them.  versity in which I introduced all details  seizures and escalating depression until
                  In the end, she consented to trying raw  about raw milk to the students. Then in  we finally discovered why and what
                  milk for my daughter—as if I needed  January, I participated in a health show,  to do to effect a cure. On a high-fat,
                  her permission. However, about a month  showed the WAPF brochure, and again  whole, natural foods diet our child lost
                  after we started drinking raw milk my  talked about raw milk. This program  fifty pounds. Our child’s blood pressure
                  husband and I realized that our daughter  was telecast January 1. A case has been  dropped to normal and the pre-diabetes

                                                                       NOTICE ABOUT RAW MILK IN PAKISTAN

                                                             Boiling milk reduced the natural vitamin B complexes by about 36 percent.
                                                             For ages we have boiled milk before use since we feel that boiling makes
                                                         milk safe for consumption. Recent research of PCSIR (Pakistan Council of
                                                         Scientific and Industrual Research) has proven that boiling milk for any length
                                                         of time reduces the naturally present vitamin B complexes by 36 percent, and
                                                         [pathogenic] bacteria are also not totally destroyed. Boiling also reduces the
                                                         food value of milk.
                                                                        B  - 27 percent reduction
                                                                        B  - 27 percent reduction
                                                                        B  - 26 percent reduction
                                                                        B  - 24 percent reduction
                                                                        B  (folic acid) - 36 percent reduction
                  SPRING 2010                                Wise Traditions                                            7
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