Page 15 - Spring2010
P. 15
Caustic Commentary
Sally Fallon Morell and Mary Enig take on the Diet Dictocrats
ANTI-BUTTER FORCES FOILED AGAIN tions company helped UK physician Shyam Kolvekar declare
A recently published meta-analysis looked at almost three that butter should be banned, with headlines in the Daily Mail
hundred fifty thousand subjects in twenty-one studies to as- (
sess the correlation between saturated fat consumption and save-thousands-lives-says-heart-surgeon.html). Fortunately,
cardiovascular disease. The conclusion: intake of saturated fat public cynicism about the anti-butter forces surfaced with a
was not associated with an increased risk of heart disease or vengeance, with hundreds of sarcastic comments posted af-
stroke (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 13, ter the article. Journalist Clarissa Dickson Wright countered
2010). The authors noted that studies showing a significant with an article in the same publication, noting that she enjoys
association of saturated fat with heart disease “tended to be toasted crumpets “absolutely dripping with unsalted butter. . .”
received more favorably for publication” than those studies
showing a negative correlation or no correlation. Did you read ADVERSE EFFECTS
about this study in a newspaper; was it featured in the health Andrew Wakefield was one of many co-authors who published
section; was it reported on TV? Not at all; mainstream media a paper linking autism with gut dysbiosis in The Lancet, 1998.
response has been one of complete silence. Meanwhile, the Now the British publication has withdrawn the report, which
voices demonizing saturated fat have become ever more shrill. tangentially linked the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine to
A study published in the September 2009 Journal of Clinical autism, no doubt due to heavy industry pressure (,
Investigation accuses saturated fat of interfering with brain February 3, 2010). This action was followed by the withdrawal
chemistry and making people eat more. The title of the ac- of another study, in which Wakefield participated, from the
companying press release: “Ice Cream May Target the Brain journal NeuroToxicology. Wakefield and colleagues found that
Before Your Hips” (Science Daily, September 19, 2009). Dr. newborn monkeys given the hepatitis B vaccine containing
Gabe Mirkin claims that a study on mice shows that a high- the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal experienced
saturated fat diet prevents the building of muscle mass (www. developmental delays compared to monkeys that received Among many details a saline placebo or no injection. The infant monkeys were
about this study Mirkin neglects to mention is the fact that raised identically and tested daily by a blinded observer for the
the “high-fat” diet was only about 25 percent saturated fat, acquisition of nine survival, motor and sensorimotor reflexes.
with almost half the fat as omega-6 fatty acids. For a blatantly The vaccinated animals manifested significant delays in the
industry-oriented anti-saturated fat website—sponsored by acquisition of three survival reflexes, root, snout and suck,
Unilever—visit Unilever’s public rela- compared with controls. Those with lower birth weight and
After UK physician Shyam Kolvekar declared that butter
should be banned, with headlines in the Daily Mail (see
above), Phil Ridley, our London chapter leader, got right to
work. Here he is, standing in front of Dr. Kolvekar’s hospital,
University College London Hospital, handing out our “Butter
is Better” brochures. In all, he distributed over two thousand
flyers over two days. “Most people were receptive,” says Phil,
“and many, including some on his team, said how much they
like butter!” Finally, the hospital handed Phil a retraction,
stating that Dr. Kolvekar’s views did not “necessarily reflect
the views of the hospital.” Good work Phil!
SPRING 2010 Wise Traditions 15