Page 72 - Spring2010
P. 72
Cultured in our food and water supply, along with contra- or sauerkraut, make a zesty garnish with almost
foods are ceptive pills and most other prescription drugs any meal, kefir (a yogurt-like drink) makes
used today have a detrimental effect on gut flora. fantastic bases for smoothies, and kombucha
easy to Finally, a diet laden with sugar and processed is a tangy, thirst-quenching beverage. Making
consume breads is perfect for tipping the scale toward the cultured foods in your own kitchen is easy;
and small unfavorable species of intestinal critters. however, raw, unpasteurized varieties of many
So how can we get more of these “for life” of these foods are now available at your local
amounts will bugs? The easiest way to get started may be to health food stores or online. When you are ready
make a supplement with a live culture probiotic (ask for to learn more about making your own, read
dramatic assistance at your local health food store). How- Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (www.
ever, even better than popping a pill is regularly, The Body Ecology
impact on consuming cultured foods that are teeming with Diet by Donna Gates (
your health. a wide array of species, such as yogurt, kefir, and Wild Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz
and fresh (unpasteurized) sauerkraut. Cultur- ( Many recipes and
ing foods (which is accomplished through the directions abound on blogs and websites as well.
process of fermentation) is one of the oldest and
most economical methods of preserving foods 3. GO FOR NUTRIENT DENSITY
and was widely used before the time of fridges Replace common ingredients with more
and freezers. Fermentation is simply the predi- nutrient-dense options: Although swapping out
gesting of a food, which is more accurately called the type of meat or produce you buy may be
lacto-fermentation because the process involves simple, procuring these higher quality foods will
lactobacilli (lactic-acid-producing bacteria). likely constitute the biggest effort. To most pal-
The lactobacilli convert the natural sugars and ates, higher quality foods simply taste better—
starches in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products cleaner, sweeter, and richer. Therefore, replacing
into lactic acid. The lactic acid then goes on to feedlot ground beef from the supermarket with
preserve the food, enhance its digestibility, and pastured ground beef from the local rancher will
encourage growth of good bacteria throughout usually either go unnoticed or be a welcome
the digestive tract while discouraging the bad. change. And tossing out the alternative “spread”
Finally, when consumed with other foods, the and using real, organic butter in its place will
enzymes found in cultured foods improve diges- mostly definitely be appreciated. Most important,
tion of the entire meal. simply opting for higher quality choices of the
Cultured foods are easy to consume and foods your family already enjoys will make a
small amounts will make a dramatic impact on big dent in their nutrient intake. Peruse through
your health. Cultured veggies, such as kimchee the details outlined in the section titled Nutrient
2 cups Irish or Scottish oatmeal
2 tablespoons yogurt or lemon juice
2 cups coconut milk (freshly made or canned)
4 to 8 tablespoons butter, preferably organic, cut into cubes
dried apples, cut into little bits with kitchen scissors
1 cinnamon stick, broken in half or thirds
The hardest part about this recipe is remembering when to get it started, because it only takes about five minutes to
prepare. To make the oatmeal more digestible, it is ideal to soak it for about twelve to twenty-four hours before you start
cooking. So the morning before you want to eat this hardy breakfast, soak the two cups of oatmeal in a bowl of warm
water with two tablespoons of yogurt or lemon juice. Before you head off to bed, drain the oatmeal and give it a good
rinse. Place the soaked oatmeal, coconut milk, butter, apples and cinnamon, along with 4 cups filtered water, in a greased
slow cooker, turn on low and cook overnight (approximately eight hours). Try making different varieties. For example,
omit apples and cinnamon stick, but once the oatmeal is done, add vanilla and fresh fruit or your favorite nut butter and
a dribble of maple syrup. Also vary the grains used; try short-grain brown rice, amaranth, and quinoa.
72 Wise Traditions SPRING 2010