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In spite of a torrent of emails generated by our Action Alert on Whole Foods Markets, (
WHOLE-FOODS-PROMOTES-MILITANT-VEGETARIAN-AGENDA.html), the high-end grocery store is still pushing a
lowfat, plant-based diet on its nutrition page ( The plan promotes the books and
private business ventures of Joel Fuhrman, MD, and Rip Esselstyn, both of whom worked with Whole Foods to formulate
the new guidelines. Customers now receive a pamphlet urging them to adopt a lowfat, plant-based diet and to cut back
or completely eliminate animal foods.
If your health has been harmed by a lowfat, plant-based diet, Whole Foods needs to hear from you; if you have
already emailed the store, contact them again and ask them why they haven’t revised their agenda-driven, unscientific
nutrition page. To submit a comment on Whole Foods’ company policy, go to
SPRING 2010 Wise Traditions 77