Page 78 - Spring2010
P. 78

Soy Alert!

                                                           SOYFUL TALES
                                                      by Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD

                                      SOY MAY HELP MEN                          proved spatial working memory, an area in which
                                      REMEMBER ANNIVERSARIES                    females consistently perform better than males.
                                          Believe it or not, the soy industry is now  Indeed, the men feminized by the isoflavones
                                      promising new and improved men—men who  required 18 percent fewer attempts to correctly
                                      not only have better “working memories,” but  complete the tasks, committed 23 percent fewer
                                      men who might even remember anniversaries!  errors, and achieved the tasks in 17 percent less
                                          Led by Peter Howe at the University of  time than they did during the placebo phase.
                                      South Australia and the University of Adelaide,     The likely reason was circulating estrogens
                                      researchers concluded in the November 2009  acting upon the estrogen beta receptors (ERbeta)
                                      British Journal of Nutrition that “Isoflavone  prevalent in areas of the brain that mediate cogni-
                                      supplementation in healthy males may enhance  tive functions, including parts of the hippocam-
                                      cognitive processes which appear dependent  pus, frontal lobe and cortex. The soy isoflavones,
                                      on oestrogen activation.” In other words, soy-  however, had no apparent effect on auditory or
                                      estrogenized men will think and act more like  episodic memory, executive function, or visual-
                                      women!                                    spatial processing.
                                          The study involved thirty-four healthy men     So how did this “good news” get translated
                                      who participated in a twelve-week double-blind,  into headlines about soy helping men remember
                                      placebo-controlled cross-over trial. The men  anniversaries? Got me. It does, however, inspire
                                      were randomly assigned to receive a daily dose  me to propose three topics related to new and
                             Soy-     of 116 mg soy isoflavones or a placebo for six  improved men for future research. One: Are men
                  estrogenized        weeks. They were then crossed-over to the other  on soy isoflavones better at asking for directions?
                                      intervention for the following six weeks.
                                                                                Two: Are men on soy isoflavones more likely to
                men will think            Tests  of  memory,  mental  function  and  put the toilet seat down? And three: Are men on
                 and act more         visual-spatial processing performed before and  soy isoflavones more likely to be faithful to their
                                      after the supplementation period showed that the  wives because they lose their libido, their ability
                   like women!        isoflavone supplements were associated with im-  or both? Inquiring minds want to know!

                                                               SOY IN HAITI

                       A group called SoyFoods Haiti Alliance Relief Effort (SHARE) is coordinating the donation and delivery of soy foods,
                   soy snacks and soy milk to Haiti. Solae, Whitewave, Alpro and Vitasoy have already donated products and more high-
                   protein donations are sought through Feed the Children and other organizations. “High protein,” of course, is delivered
                   in the form of soy.
                       While relief efforts are clearly needed and this one seems benevolent, the industry’s real motive is spelled out clearly
                   in a trade newsletter. “In the longer term, donations could also include soybeans, soy protein ingredients and micro-
                   nutrient supplements for value-added processing in Haiti.” Over the long term, this means decreased reliance on local
                   farmers and cottage industries, failure to build local, sustainable food sources, people forced to rely on unhealthy food
                   products (as opposed to real food), and more profits for the global soy industry. Long term, that means the whole country
                   will need to go into “soy recovery.”
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