Page 70 - Spring2010
P. 70

used a toothbrush. The good doctor concluded  and nuts; along with seasonal vegetables and fruits.
                 that the state of one’s teeth was an excellent     Also on the menu were some foods less commonly eaten today, such
                 reflection of the state of one’s overall physical  as liver and other internal organs, fish roe, and bone marrow, which are
                 and mental health. Moreover, those consuming  indeed super foods with a nutrient profile unparalleled by most others.
                 nutrient-dense foods produced offspring with     The methods our forebears used to preserve and prepare these foods
                 beautifully round faces, and jaws wide enough to  enhanced the nutritional package—methods such as fermenting, as in
                 accommodate all their teeth with proper spacing,  sauerkraut; culturing, as in kefir or yogurt; and soaking grains, nuts, and
                 few or no cavities, and broad heads to allow for  legumes to jump-start their digestibility. (If at this point you are feeling
                 proper brain development. No one needed braces  overwhelmed, relax—these things will be added into your life gradually,
                 in societies consuming traditional foods!  as your energy and desire grow.)
                    Women of childbearing age had hips wide
                 enough to give birth to a baby with relative ease.  WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOUR FAMILY TABLE?
                    In contrast to these robustly healthy people,     When it comes to assessing your own kitchen prowess, you may marvel
                 those who had switched to a more “civilized” diet  at the depth of a friend’s talents to prepare gourmet meals or envy another’s
                 of processed foods, sodas, and other westernized  commitment to serving everything homemade—but you just aren’t ready
                 products soon began to manifest modern diseases  to make the leap. Everyone has her own timing. The more you dig, the
                 and produce offspring with narrow jaws and  more questions you ask, the further you will go into your traditional food
                 crowded teeth, and more narrow faces. Diseases  journey. The further you go, the less daunting these seemingly overwhelm-
                 virtually unknown prior to exposure to processed  ing traditional food practices will become. So where do you begin? What
                 foods, including cavities, set in at early ages, and  if your current lifestyle doesn’t allow for food extremes? Let’s examine
                 mental unrest was common.                 four action steps that will get you started nourishing yourself and the ones
                    Current research confirms Dr. Price’s ex-  you love to the best of your abilities, right now. Do what you can, make the
                 traordinary findings regarding the relationship  improvements that are possible with your current circumstances. Remove
                 between nutrition, health and physical develop-  any guilt for not being able to incorporate everything; growth in any area
                 ment. As you can guess, the foods these cultures  is a process. We will begin with the easiest first (and ironically the most
                 consumed were real, whole, natural and fresh,  important) and progress to the more energy-intensive steps.
                 untouched by industrial processing or other tech-
                 nology. For us today, this means to eat like our  1. COD LIVER OIL
                 grandparents, or perhaps great grandparents, ate.     That’s right, add cod liver oil to the family’s daily routine. Cod liver oil
                 Lucky for us, their diet wasn’t bland and fat-free.  is the elixir that has stood the test of time. In Johanna Spyri’s beloved novel
                 They enjoyed rich and delicious butter, cheese,  Heidi, first published in 1880, Clara, Heidi’s sickly companion, regains
                 cream, eggs, and meats; whole grains, legumes  her health on cod liver oil, raw goat’s milk and fresh mountain air! Oh, if

                                                         COD LIVER OIL FOR KIDS

                       Here are guidelines for cod liver oil dosages for children. For more on cod liver oil and recommended brands, visit
          The best way to give cod liver oil is with
                   an eye dropper (for infants) or mixed with a small amount of water or fresh juice.

                   •   Children age 3 months to 12 years: A dose of cod liver oil that provides about 5000 IU vitamin A and about 500 IU
                       vitamin D daily, obtained from about 1 teaspoon of regular cod liver oil or 1/2 teaspoon of high-vitamin cod liver
                   •   Children over 12 years and adults: A maintenance dose of cod liver oil that provides about 10,000 IU vitamin A and
                       about 1000 IU vitamin D daily, obtained from 2 teaspoons of regular cod liver oil or 1 teaspoon of high-vitamin cod
                       liver oil.
                   •   Pregnant and nursing women: A dose of cod liver oil that provides about 20,000 IU vitamin A and about 2000 IU
                       vitamin D daily, obtained from 4 teaspoons regular cod liver oil or 2 teaspoons high-vitamin cod liver oil.
                   To defray the cost of your monthly bottle of cod liver oil (good things don’t come cheap), find little ways to save during the
                   week. How about cutting back on dining out for lunch? Or drinking sparkling water instead of expensive lattés or sodas?

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