Page 65 - Spring2010
P. 65

Tim’s DVD Reviews

                  Processed People                          as an example of healthy people. True, they were
                  Mostly Magic, Inc.                        healthy but were they supposedly expending all
                      Some  of  our  chapter  leaders  have  seen  this energy hunting and chasing plant foods?
                  a trailer for this movie that could lead one to     If you buy into the idea that this planet is
                  believe it is a good one, but since our chapter  overcrowded, then this would be a good DVD to
                  leaders are pretty sharp, they saw a few warning  show to everybody for good population reduction
                  flags and thought we’d better review this more  options. I’ll be blunt. This movie isn’t just bad,
                  carefully to make sure.                   it is awful. I can’t tell you what I really think
                      It would be easy to make a trailer full of  because it wouldn’t get past the editors. Every
                  excerpts that would make this film look quite  thumb I have is DOWN on this one.
                  good. It points out the flaws in the health care
                  system, including the misleading name “health  Chore Time
                  care” when “sick care” is what is really going on.  Tim Wightman
                  A lot of time is also spent focusing on the well-  Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
                  publicized, uncontroversial villains responsible     Some of you may know about the Raw Milk
                  for poor health in America. Besides junk food,  Production Handbook by Tim Wightman pro-
                  poor lifestyle makes the list. We hear that Ameri-  duced for the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense
                  cans are “stuffing themselves like ducks on a foie  Fund. You may have heard (correctly) that it is
                  gras farm.” Well, maybe some of them are and  very good but you’re waiting for the movie. Wait
                  I think the main reason for that is because what  no more. There is now a two-DVD set featuring
                  they are stuffing themselves with doesn’t have  Tim Wightman himself.
                  much in the way of real nutrition—and this film     You get a first-class tour of everything from
                  says that. All this is fine as far as it goes.  milk house design and setup through equipment,
                      Then I start seeing familiar names and faces  milking, processing cream, to final cleanup. The
                  like Fuhrman, McDougall, Esselstyn Jr. and  only thing you don’t get to see is the actual build-
                    other harbingers of things to come. Sure enough,  ing of the milk house. I’m guessing that would
                  I’m treated to a full-scale, unveiled attack on  make the video too long. There is a lot of good ad- You get a
                  meat  and  dairy. The issue  is almost always  vice on things like planning ahead for upgrades   first-class
                  fogged up due to confusion between industrial  you may want in the future and minimizing flat
                  meat/dairy and local, organic meat/dairy. Claims  surfaces that collect dirt. This is probably not the   tour of
                  abound that humans thrive on plant-based diets,  video for a regular chapter meeting but would  everything
                  that we don’t need to eat animals to be healthy,  be excellent for anyone entertaining the idea of   from milk
                  that whole milk products promote obesity, that a  getting into milk production. This video will give
                  starch-based diet is the key to good health, that  you a good idea what it’s like and many good   house
                  it’s good to have a cholesterol level of less than  pointers that will make life easier. You even get  design and
                  150 and that meat-eating causes global warming.  a lesson on how to break in a cow that is new to   setup through
                  That’s why it’s snowing in Dallas.        the milking scene so you don’t end up getting
                      Once again I hear the popular myth that  kicked into the next zip code.          equipment,
                  hunter-gatherers ran themselves ragged every-     And there is a brief message from his cat at  milking,
                  day chasing after their food. The first thing that  the end which I enjoyed very much. THUMBS   processing
                  comes to mind when I hear that is, no, they didn’t.  UP.
                  Next, I find it interesting that, even among veg-                                    cream, to final
                  etarians, the hunter-gatherers so often come up                                      cleanup.

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