Page 63 - Spring2010
P. 63

All Thumbs Book Reviews

                  Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease   55). Supporting evidence of Porter’s blood theory
                  by Charles Sanford Porter, MD             is found in the live blood cell analysis of people
                  God’s Whey, LLC                           eating a WAPF diet as published in the winter
                     Simple. Concise. A true self-help manual.  2009 Wise Traditions journal. This article shows
                  First published in 1905, the book was written  a clear connection between the quality of blood
                  with the purpose of helping individuals treat  and the health of the individual.
                  themselves with raw milk, Milk Diet as a Remedy     Why read the book if the cure seems so
                  for Chronic Disease by Charles Sanford Porter  simple? Porter addresses reactions to the treat-
                  M.D. chronicles the effects of a raw milk diet as  ment, such as how constipation can occur and
                  he used it in the early 1900s. Unlike many health  how to remedy it. He addresses the need for
                  protocols that require working with a practitio-  rest, warm baths and fresh air. He explains how
                  ner to monitor lab tests and supplements, this  the muscles will grow larger and heavier as they
                  book puts the power of healing in the hands of  distend with the large quantity of new blood
                  the reader. Drawing on twenty-seven years of  circulating through them and also how the new
                  experience in using the raw milk diet as a cure  blood nourishes, rebuilds and heals the internal
                  for chronic diseases, Porter details how to use  organs.
                  a raw milk diet and what to expect during the      Within 48-78 hours of beginning the milk
                  treatment.                                cure, a person’s pulse will increase twelve beats
                     Dr.  Porter based  his version  of the raw  to the minute. (page 51). Understanding how the
                  milk diet on a few basic premises. First, raw  body is reacting to the milk cure gives a person
                  milk is white blood and therefore a good source  courage to continue on the diet until health is
                  of materials with which your body can easily  reestablished.
                  make new blood. The second premise is that the     In a day and age of increasing chronic dis-
                  best method of treating chronic disease is by  ease Porter’s protocol can have lasting effects
                  addressing the quality and quantity of circula-  on many people. Most intriguing is the fact that
                  tion of blood through the body. Porter suggests  this cure can be undertaken without lab tests or
                  that, “On the condition of the blood depends the  supplements and as Porter declares, it “is a simple
                  outcome of the struggle, whether life or death, a  thing, and within any person’s reach”(page 135).
                  short or long illness. The circulation of the blood  Indeed it is and Porter’s book helps make it so.
                  is nature’s agent in eliminating disease” (page                 Review by Shannon Nash

                  rotting grass will produce methane whether it is inside the cow or not.       QUOTABLES
                  You might as well get a good steak out of it. Dr. Tom Cowan made the
                  point in his article in the Winter 2009 Wise Traditions that massive herds   Africa is not poor. Ethiopia alone, if properly
                  of buffalo stomped around the great plains for thousands of years. There   cultivated, could feed the entire African con-
                  was no global warming. In fact, the result was some of the thickest, most   tinent.
                  fertile soil in the world. CAFOs are an environmental hazard. Our abuse         Pierre Rabhi
                  of animals is an environmental hazard.                                         Agroecologist, Farmer
                      The merest suggestion that ruminants are an environmental hazard   Our wealth is imaginary. It comes from soil
                  threatens my access to real food and therefore, my survival. I can’t just let         Janine Benyus, Founder,
                  that go as a minor point. The book overall didn’t exactly rock my world,         Biomimicry Institute
                  and with this key flaw, the thumb is down.    Review by Tim Boyd

                  SPRING 2010                                Wise Traditions                                           63
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