Page 59 - Spring2010
P. 59

All Thumbs Book Reviews

                  Protein Power Lifeplan                    insulin connection to a host of disease conditions,
                  A New Comprehensive Blueprint for         and focus on the reduction of insulin levels as
                  Optimal Health                            the primary goal of carbohydrate restriction.
                  By Michael Eades, MD and                  Raising the body’s sensitivity to insulin—so that
                  Mary Dan Eades, MD                        it requires less to function optimally—can best
                  Warner Books, 2000                        be done by reducing carbohydrate consumption.
                                                            (Reducing overall calorie intake and increasing
                     In 1996 weight-loss doctors Michael and  exercise can help, too.) With this premise at the
                  Mary Dan Eades wrote the New York Times  core of their dietary plan, the Eades establish the
                  bestseller Protein Power in which they asserted  other nutritional components of our ancestors’ di-
                  that excessive consumption of carbohydrates,  ets that are necessary for sound health—namely
                  rather than fats, cause obesity and illness such as  fat and protein.
                  diabetes and heart disease. In 2000, the husband-     In the chapter “The Fat of the Land” we read
                  and-wife team followed with Protein Power  an excerpt of field notes from researchers in the
                  Lifeplan, an expansion of their theories as well  1940s who meticulously documented how Aus-
                  as guide to a nutritional philosophy of lifelong  tralian Aborigines prepared and ate a wallaby.
                  health and freedom from disabling diseases.  The Eades included these details to emphasize
                  Although loss of excess weight may be a happy  how the fat content of modern diets—heavy in
                  benefit of adopting the Eades’s plan, achieving  rancid, adulterated vegetable oils—has drasti-
                  vibrant health and productive longevity are the  cally changed from the diet of wild-game hunt-
                  real goals of their program.              ers. Even the diet of modern, “civilized” meat
                     Protein Power Lifeplan revisits the hunter/  eaters—who choose muscle meats exclusively,
                  gatherer perspective of our genetic heritage and  and most often from unnaturally raised feedlot
                  reminds us that this inheritance continues to  animals—cannot  approximate  the  rich  and
                  govern our metabolic functions today. As have  varied source of healthy fats that our ancestors
                  other writers, the Eades point out that agricul-  feasted upon, and which conferred such robust
                  ture is an innovation of merely ten thousand  health. The Aborigines with their meal of whole
                  years ago—much too recent for us to have fully  wallaby on the fire pit began with the viscera—
                  adapted to such an altered dietary environment.  kidneys, liver, and heart—along with the fat
                  Our pre-farming ancestors of 500,000 to three  cushioning those organs which were eaten first.
                  million years ago consumed far fewer carbohy-  The lungs were briefly cooked and used to soak
                  drates (and none of them refined) than do cultures  up the blood, which was eaten next. The tail fat
                  which base their diets on grains. Easily digested  was cooked and eaten; the skull cracked for the
                  carbohydrate foods are all converted to sugar  brain and bones for their marrow. The fifteen-
                  during digestion. The body must mount constant  to-twenty pound carcass was cooked for barely
                  corrective measures to balance blood sugar, and  half an hour, and only the stomach and intestines
                  does so via the hormone insulin. It is the constant  were not consumed. Native hunting groups from
                  circulation of insulin, rather than the mere fact  all over the globe consume their whole animal
                  of high blood sugar, that is the culprit not only in  catches in similar manner—leaving behind only
                  stimulating weight storage and gain, but in other  the truly inedible bits.
                  serious disorders such as hypertension, heart     With the wallaby dinner as a graphic point of
                  disease and diabetes.                     departure, the Eades take us on a tour of modern
                     The Eades hammer home the message of the  industrialized oils and fats that will be familiar

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