Page 56 - Spring2010
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Thus the remedy Belladonna is made from deadly night- dilate the pupils when instilled in the eye.) Yet
rogue shade, it’s a powerful healing ally. In fact the because of this cutting edge scientific method and
use of this homeopathic is so effective that even Travis’s well-read parents, Belladonna set him
category of doctors without homeopathic medical training on his way to the Saturday night dance. Indeed,
nightshades recall its ability to cure such ailments. Travis might recognize someday the fact that
Here’s the inherent wisdom that makes nightshades are scoundrels until tamed by ho-
that might homeopathy fascinating and profound: the very meopathic methodology. Sweet! Until then, what
be a symptoms that can be caused by a substance in better way to embrace teenagers and otherwise
trigger for its gross form, as it is found in nature, can be ill-intentioned plants!
inflammation antidoted when formulated into a homeopathic Joette Calabrese,HMC,CCH,RSHom(Na) is a
medicine. This is because the method of mak-
can ing the remedy is a mathematical nano-dilution certified classical homeopathic consultant and
actually that renders the poisonous effects neutral while educator. Her signature philosophy maintains
become a allowing the curative aspects to appear. In this that the blessing of authentic health is not be-
way we can use a substance that would be detri-
stowed randomly, but can be achieved through
curative agent mental or even noxious in its gross form, diluted the detailed and systematic method of classical
when according to the International Homeopathic homeopathy in conjunction with the Weston A.
properly Pharmacopoeia, and it will become a medicine Price philosophy. Go to
of vast power. It has the unique ability to re-
for her FREE report “50 Ways to Avoid Cancer”
harnessed. store physical wellbeing as well as balance the or call 716.941.1045 for a FREE 15 minute phone
emotional or mental aspects of the individual. conversation to see if homeopathy is a fit for your
After all, isn’t genuine health the restoration of health strategy.
the entire human—not just the physical aspect?
Why of course! Moms like Travis’s use Joette Calabrese’s book
Thus the rogue category of nightshades to determine the correct remedy for fevers. Want
that might be a trigger for inflammation can to know how to do this, too? Joette is offering
actually become a curative agent when properly a FREE download of the fever and ear infec-
harnessed. The very cluster of symptoms marked tion chapter from her book Cure Yourself and
by dilated pupils, red cheeks and high fever is Family With Homeopathy. Try your hand at
what would be caused by ingesting this poison- this safe and empowering medicine. Visit www.
ous nightshade berry. (The common name for and click on “Free Fever
the plant, belladonna, or beautiful lady, refers Chapter Download.”
to the historic cosmetic use of the berry juice to
The European Committee for Homeopathy (address: Chaussee de Bruxelles, 132, B-1190, Brussels, Belgium) conducted a
review of human trials using a Quality of Life questionnaire, and found that in evaluating the treatment of 6,915 patients,
70 percent experienced significant clinical improvement by using homeopathic medicines (this percentage was even
higher in children receiving homeopathic medicine) (Van Wassenhoven, 2005). They also found a 75 percent improve-
ment in homeopathic patients (versus 65 percent improvement in conventional medical patients) for hyperactive children.
In addition, they found a 67.3 percent improvement in respiratory tract infections (versus 56 percent with conventional
treatment). Of note is the fact 22 percent of the patients receiving conventional medical treatment reported side effects,
while only 7.8 percent of patients receiving homeopathic treatment reported side effects.
One of the few studies that compared homeopathic treatment versus conventional medical treatment of a specific condi-
tion with a single conventional drug versus a single homeopathic drug (a homeopathic formula product) was published
in an AMA journal (Weiser, 1998). This study compared results in the treatment of vertigo, with half of the subjects given
a homeopathic medicine (a combination of four homeopathic medicines mixed together) and half given a conventional
drug (betahistine). The study showed that those given the homeopathic medicine experienced at least as good results as
those given the conventional drug, though the homeopathic medicine was considerably safer and less expensive.
56 Wise Traditions