Page 57 - Spring2010
P. 57

All Thumbs Book Reviews

                  GAPS Guide                                tions within both the mundane practicalities of
                  Simple Steps to Heal Bowels, Body and Brain  daily life, and the complex dynamics of the fam-
                  One Hill Productions, 2009                ily. Lashkov provides a template for this slow-
                  By Baden Lashkov                          motion evolution that gradually introduces a new
                                                            food preparation technique, a new food, locating
                      Baden Lashkov, a young mother who lives in  alternative grocers and suppliers, outfitting the
                  British Columbia, has written a complementary  kitchen with necessary tools, and planning for
                  guidebook to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s  uninterrupted time for the program. To be sure,
                  popular treatise on healing multiple gastro-intes-  this prelude to the program itself will prove to
                  tinal conditions, Gut and Psychology Syndrome.  safeguard more than one parent’s sanity!
                  Lashkov successfully implemented the GAPS     The GAPS Guide provides in-depth details
                  protocol to improve her own health and that of  to the introductory diet—a protocol that patients
                  her son, but not without pitfalls suffered along  of Dr. Campbell-McBride will have received in
                  the way. Based on her experiences and those  their personal recommendations, but readers of
                  of many others committed to the program, she  Gut and Psychology Syndrome will not find in
                  has compiled this step-by-step guide largely for  the book. Nevertheless, virtually anyone starting
                  newcomers to the GAPS approach to gut healing.  on the GAPS program will benefit from begin-
                      Although the steps to heal bowels, body and  ning with the “intro diet” and in fact, may only  Many who
                  brain are deemed “simple,” and many who have  achieve the desired results by doing so. This   have
                  adopted the GAPS protocol will attest to near-  preamble to the full GAPS diet is a simple yet
                  miraculous improvements, many have also been  extremely nourishing and easy-to-digest varia-  embarked
                  frustrated by setbacks, obstacles and apparent  tion of meat broths, boiled meats and vegetables  on the GAPS
                  failure to progress with the diet, even with the  meant to soothe and pacify the digestive system   protocol
                  best of intentions and dedication to instructions.  while prompting its healing. The intro diet can
                  What is needed for those at such impasses is  be returned to whenever some stage of the pro-  without this
                  support from others whose own trial-and-error  gram has provoked an uncomfortable digestive  information
                  struggles can light the way and provide helpful  response, and reliably returns the system to bal-  will welcome
                  signposts at the critical junctures, which virtually  ance. Many who have embarked on the GAPS
                  everyone dedicated to the program will stumble  protocol without this information will welcome   the added
                  upon.                                     the added detailed instructions and guidance that  detailed
                      Lashkov emphasizes the three-pronged ap-  may make all the difference in their success with   instructions
                  proach to the GAPS program—diet, detoxifica-  the program. Recipes for foods in the intro diet
                  tion and supplementation—and the commitments  are also provided in a separate section.  and
                  one will need to undertake in order to receive the     The chapter “Frequently Asked Questions”  guidance
                  most benefit from seriously adopting the entire  covers everything from practical matters of   that may
                  program. With the calm assurance of one who has  transporting foods to work or school to the ques-
                  been down this path before, she counsels new-  tion of whether one can be vegetarian or vegan   make all the
                  comers to ease into the program as slowly and  on the program. Lashkov treats this last query  difference in
                  comfortably as possible—the transition will not  with sincere compassion—a former vegetarian   their success
                  only be one of dietary habits, but of psychological  and occasional vegan herself, she understands
                  and emotional patterns as well. Each new step  the ethical position of those who choose these   with the
                  must be taken with full awareness of its implica-  paths. She herself needed the meats and broths  program.

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