Page 55 - Spring2010
P. 55

Homeopathy Journal

                                              TRAVIS THE TEENAGER LOVES NIGHTSHADES
                                               By Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA)

                      “Sweet!”  swooned  Travis,  the  sixteen-     Belladonna, or deadly nightshade, was the
                  year-old, as he rose one morning with renewed  remedy Travis’s parents chose because his fever
                  strength. Just the night before, he had suffered  was high, his eyes had a glassy look, and his ear
                  from a 104-degree fever, thrashing anger and  pain was severe. And the illness came on with a
                  ruthless ear pain. After three doses of the ho-  fury. These are the keynotes of symptoms that
                  meopathic remedy Belladonna and much needed  need to be present for Belladonna to do its good
                  sleep, this pale, emotional adolescent was made  work. If the fever had been low, accompanied by
                  whole. Since it was Saturday, this meant he would  chills, and presented in an irritable teen, the rem-
                  be able to go to his school dance that night. His  edy choice would likely have been Nux vomica.
                  parents had no reservations about his intentions  Or if Travis’s earache appeared with a medium
                  for the evening. They knew from years of using  fever, he was fractious, and with one cheek red
                  homeopathy that when the remedy is correct,  while the other pale, he might have been given
                  there is no need for a relapse. Regardless of the  Chamomilla.
                  intensity of his illness, they recognized that their     This is how patient-detailed and individual
                  son had recovered fully.                  the selection must be. No other medical paradigm
                      When properly administered, homeopathy  incorporates the individual into the remedy
                  is an unparalleled form of medication. It mat-  choice. In fact, one of the common criticisms
                  ters not that it’s medically documented, nor that  of modern medicine is that it treats all of us the
                  it’s accepted as the norm by medical doctors  same—not so with homeopathy. And perhaps
                  in England, Germany, France and India. What  even more important, had Travis’s parents suc-
                  matters to Travis and to thousands of other teens  cumbed to the conventional medical treatment of
                  throughout the world is that it works.    their son, the infection might have been subdued,
                      How can something so inexpensive and  but we would have been left with the angry teen.
                  gentle make such a difference in a high fever, or  Is it no wonder that parents who use homeopathy
                  in any illness? The efficacy of homeopathy has  find that their children are often less disruptive
                  been evidenced in medical journals throughout  to the family after the well chosen remedy is
                  the world. It has been shown clinically for more  administered? The illness actually becomes
                  than two hundred years to resolve illness such  an important opportunity to tender the proper
                  as the one Travis suffered, without side effects  remedy for deeper issues.
                  and within remarkably short order. These results     Homeopathy’s role in the health of teens
                  are to be expected because homeopathy stirs the  offers more than meets the eye. A medicine that   The illness
                  person’s own ability to bring illness to a natural  addresses a noteworthy fever and earache as   actually
                  close. If, in the case of Travis’s fever, an antibiotic  well as the accompanying anger is the role of a
                  and analgesic had been administered instead,  dynamic medical model. Yet Travis doesn’t need  becomes an
                  Travis would have experienced a false sense of  to be convinced of homeopathy’s ability to do   important
                  wellness, propped up by powerful drugs, which  the job. His only concern is how to persuade his   opportunity
                  have a list of side effects as long as his texting  parents to let him borrow the car for the dance.
                  buddy list. For many who are dosed this way,     The scientific statute of “like cures like” is  to tender the
                  such an illness turns into repeated episodes over  the foundation upon which homeopathy is girded.   proper
                  a period of months. This is a common outcome  Homeopathy employs plants that often have   remedy for
                  in ailments that have been suppressed by con-  poisonous characteristics and transforms them
                  ventional pharmaceuticals.                into submissively curative agents. Although the  deeper issues.

                  SPRING 2010                                Wise Traditions                                           55
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