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Garrett L. Smith NMD, CSCS, CBP, BS, is a     WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) WHO Food Additives Series,
                                                               No 30;
                 native and near-lifetime resident of Tucson,   7.   Patel B and others. Potato glycoalkaloids adversely affect intestinal permeability and
                 Arizona. An alumnus of the Southwest College   aggravate inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2002 Sep;8(5):340-6.
                 of Naturopathic Medicine, he currently operates   PubMed ID: 124796498.
                 a general naturopathic medical practice (Na-  8.   Baker D and others. Lesions of potato sprout and extracted potato sprout alkaloid
                                                               toxicity in Syrian hamsters. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 1987;25(3):199-208. PubMed ID:
                 turopathic Medicine of Southern Arizona) and   3612898.
                 a Low Intensity Laser Therapy practice (Laser   9.   Ruseler-van Embden JG and others. Potato tuber proteins efficiently inhibit human
                 Therapeutics). An ardent believer in First Do No   faecal proteolytic activity: implications for treatment of peri-anal dermatitis. Eur J
                                                               Clin Invest. 2004 Apr;34(4):303-11. PubMed ID: 15086363.
                 Harm, the three major areas Dr. Smith focuses   10.   Friedman M and others. Anticarcinogenic effects of glycoalkaloids from potatoes
                 on are nutrition, exercise and energic medi-  against human cervical, liver, lymphoma, and stomach cancer cells. J Agric Food
                                                               Chem. 2005 Jul 27;53(15):6162-9. PubMed ID: 16029012.
                 cine modalities, including Low Intensity Laser   11.   Masterson JG and others. Anencephaly and potato blight in the Republic of Ireland.
                 Therapy (LILT) and BodyTalk. Dr. Smith is a   Br J Prev Soc Med. 1974 May;28(2):81-4. PubMed ID: 4604097.
                 strong believer in looking to traditional cultures,   12.   Galatz LM and others. Nicotine delays tendon-to-bone healing in a rat shoulder model.
                 evolutionary biology, and the “Blue Zones” to   J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006 Sep;88(9):2027-34. PubMed ID: 16951120.
                 guide his approaches to nutrition, exercise,   13.   Galatz LM and others. Delayed repair of tendon to bone injuries leads to decreased
                                                               biomechanical properties and bone loss. J Orthop Res. 2005 Nov;23(6):1441-7.
                 and lifestyle. In his spare time, Dr. Smith enjoys   PubMed ID: 16055296.
                 strength training, reading, cooking, road cycling,   14.   Razavi R and others. TRPV1+ sensory neurons control beta cell stress and islet inflam-
                                                               mation in autoimmune diabetes. Cell. 2006 Dec 15;127(6):1123-35.PMID: 17174891.
                 and spending time with family and friends. He   15.   Keeble J and others. Involvement of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 in the
                 can be contacted at      vascular and hyperalgesic components of joint inflammation. Arthritis Rheum. 2005
                                                               Oct;52(10):3248-56. PubMed ID: 16200599.
                 REFERENCES                                16.   López-Carrillo L and others. Chili pepper consumption and gastric cancer in Mexico:
                                                               a case-control study. Am J Epidemiol. 1994 Feb 1;139(3):263-71. PubMed ID: 8116601.
                 1.   Famine, Mortality, and Epidemic Disease in the   17.   Dömötör A and others. Immunohistochemical distribution of vanilloid receptor,
                    Process of Modernization, by John D. Post © 1976   calcitonin-gene related peptide and substance P in gastrointestinal mucosa of patients
                    Economic  History  Society,  with different gastrointestinal disorders. Inflammopharmacology. 2005;13(1-3):161-77.
                    pss/2594505.                               PubMed ID: 16259736.
                 2.   Childers  NF.  Arthritis-Childer’s  Diet  to  Stop  It.   18.   Seyama Y and others. Effect of vitamin K2 on experimental calcinosis induced by
                    Nightshades, Aging, and Ill Health, 4th ed. Florida:   vitamin D2 in rat soft tissue. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 1996;66(1):36-8. PubMed ID:
                    Horticultural Publications, 1993; 19-21.   8698544.
                 3.   Ibid.                                19.  Tajner-Czopek A and others. Changes in glycoalkaloids content of potatoes destined
                 4.  for consumption (2008) Food Chemistry, 106 (2), pp. 706-711.
                    a682335.html.                          20.   Boileau TW and others. Prostate carcinogenesis in N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (NMU)-
                 5.  testosterone-treated rats fed tomato powder, lycopene, or energy-restricted diets. J
                    v30je19.htm.                               Natl Cancer Inst. 2003 Nov 5;95(21):1578-86.PubMed ID: 14600090.
                 6.   World Health Organization, Toxicological Evaluation   21.   Friedman M and others. Tomatine-containing green tomato extracts inhibit growth
                    of Certain Food Additives and naturally Occuring   of human breast, colon, liver, and stomach cancer cells. J Agric Food Chem. 2009
                    Toxicants, Thirty-ninth Meeting of the Joint FAO/
                                                               Jul 8;57(13):5727-33. PubMed ID: 19514731.

                                               FAITHFUL WAPF SUPPORTERS WILL BE MISSED!

                                                            Edward  Harris  DeBoer  (1924-2009)  of
                                                       Bakersfield, California, was a dairy farmer and
                                                       direct farm product marketeer; on his radio
                                                       program “Return to Eden,” he frequently talked
                                                       about the Weston A. Price Foundation and the
                                                       virtues of raw milk.
                                                            Betty  C.  Williams  (1930-2010),  proud
                                                       owner of Belle of the Earth Ranch in Lindale,
                                                       Texas, raised grass-fed beef and was passionate
                                                       about ranching and living a healthy life. She was
                                                       a faithful financial supporter of WAPF, having
                                                       contributed to our conference as a Gold Sponsor
                                                       for many years. They will both be missed!
                                                            The family of Ed DeBoer has asked friends
                                                       and  relatives  to  consider  a  donation  to  the
                                                       Weston A. Price Foundation in his memory.
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