Page 64 - Spring2010
P. 64

All Thumbs Book Reviews

                                       S.P.E.E.D.                                   Next is a discussion of low carb diets which
                                      The Only Weight Loss Book Worth Reading!  are put in a positive light. There is some discus-
                                      by Jeff Thiboutot MS, CN                  sion about what is the right amount of protein but
                                      and Matt Schoeneberger MS, CES            no mention of fat. Do they mention that a low
                                      Reason Productions, LLC                   carb diet must be a high fat diet or it is doomed
                                          S.P.E.E.D. stands for sleep, psychology,  to failure? I don’t think so.
                                      exercise, environment and diet. It is always     The advice starts to get really dizzy after
                                      dangerous to make acronyms like this because I  this point. The authors mention the importance
                                      will be tempted to provide my own words for the  of sleep prominently on the front cover and
                                      letters. I’ll try to resist this time. In chapter one  elsewhere in the book. They also say caffeine is
                                      we are told that studies show weight is strongly  a good way to lose weight. Do they also mention
                                      affected by genetics but that the recent, rapid  it is a good way to lose adrenal function? And
                                      gain many Americans have been experiencing  sleep? I don’t think so.
                                      is probably not genetic. I would agree that such     They go on to say stevia is the best sweetener
                          Calorie     a large increase in less than 50 years can’t be  and their second choice is a good, old-fashioned,
                                                                                traditiona. . . artificial sweetener? We are going
                 restriction has          Toward the end of the book is a discussion  from dizzy to scary now. We are also led to
                      been tried      on critical thinking which brings up some good  believe canola oil is a good oil. Oh, and try the
                     from every       points. One example is ad hominem. Telling  Zero Impact bars too. I never heard of them so
                                      someone they are ugly and their mama dresses  I looked them up. The listed ingredients include
                        angle for     them funny may be emotionally satisfying but  yummies like maltitol, glycerin, low DE corn
                            many      not a relevant argument. I would also say that  syrup, brown rice syrup and xanthan gum. Else-
                 decades now.         age of a study (an argument we hear a lot) is  where on the same page they say the bar has no
                                      irrelevant and betrays a certain naïveté about  maltitol. And the dizziness returns. Are these
                      It can give     how much modern science has been corrupted  things components of traditional diets? I don’t
                       you short      by corporate agendas.                     think so.

                                                                                    The appendix provides a list of other protein
                                          The authors eventually get around to talk-
                    term results        ing about calorie restriction and tell us 20-40  bars, which I looked over. Jay bars have agave
                      but unless      percent restriction is necessary for weight loss.  syrup, hydrolyzed whey protein, xylitol and
                  you have the        This is followed by a long list of benefits to  natural flavors. Elev8me bars have whey protein

                   willpower to       calorie restriction. Lower insulin tops the list.  isolate, low fat and high fiber. Fuco bars have soy
                                      There is no explanation of the fact that calories  and so on. I won’t make up any new words for the
                            starve    from carbohydrates tend to spike insulin levels  SPEED acronym but were they Sleeping when
                     yourself for     while calories from fat tend not to. So, is calorie  they did their research? What kind of Psychology
                      the rest of     restriction a radically new idea? I don’t think so.  was in play during this writing Exercise? In what

                                          Calorie restriction has been tried from every  Environment would a Diet full of these bars be a
                        your life,    angle for many decades now. It can give you short  good idea? Most importantly, should I give this
                       those lost     term results but unless you have the willpower to  book a thumbs up? I don’t think so.
                    pounds will       starve yourself for the rest of your life, those lost           Review by Tim Boyd
                                      pounds will be back with their friends. Calorie
                  be back with        restriction has been literally tried to death. Is the

                   their friends.     population thinner as a result? I don’t think so.
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