Page 66 - Spring2010
P. 66
Tim’s DVD Reviews
Leap of Faith: Fast Lane to Farmstead overeating. A number of valid points are made
Executive Producers: Alexandra Austin throughout. There is convincing evidence that
and Michael J. Walsh fructose is fattening. School lunches wouldn’t
Mind-Made Media pass fast food McStandards. Food from China
Corporate refugees from San Francisco contains harmful preservatives (and American
abandon their cubicles for a farm near Healds- food doesn’t?) and is sometimes deceptively
burg, California in this short documentary. Pugs labeled as being from somewhere else.
Leap Farm has thirty-four goats on about three When discussing how the food industry
and one half acres. The main product of the lures people into overeating, the focus is almost
farm is goat cheese. They have wisely chosen to completely on sugar or an optimum combina-
stay small and local rather than working toward tion of sugar, salt and fat. Beth Greer recently
industrial organic compromise. noticed the ingredients on a bag of airline peanuts
There are many things to think about included salt and four or five different kinds of
in the farming business. Even something as sugar. Dr. Kessler made the amusing and slightly
seemingly mundane as packaging can require disturbing observation that they use several dif-
carefully thought-out decisions. Choosing bio- ferent kinds of sugar because if they lumped it
plastic packaging seems like a no-brainer but all together, sugar might be the first ingredient
at least some kinds use GMO corn. This is just on the list.
one more piece of evidence that, if you ever see There is nothing terribly wrong with any of
a book called “Farming for Dummies,” don’t buy the points in this audio recording, but the careless
it because it doesn’t take a book to simply say it or uncritical listener might jump to the conclu-
can’t be done right by dummies. sion that fat and salt are always bad and should
My personal experience with goats is that always be avoided. The discussion also seemed
they are geniuses at getting into trouble. While incomplete. There was no mention of MSG or
they don’t specifically say that in this video, they aspartame and how addictive they are or how
do illustrate the fact that goats can be funny they enhance appetite. So while this interview
creatures. For example, their goats don’t like rain is not all that bad, it is not quite good enough for
and they hold you personally responsible for any me to give an enthusiastic thumbs up.
weather they don’t approve of. Kind of like some
people I know. Full Signal
Also, by some strange coincidence, goats Written and directed by Talal Jabari
named after rock stars misbehave much more There are billions of people in the world
than average. These are just some of the things who have a lot of talking to do. Around 3.5 bil-
you have to keep in mind if you take up goat lion people subscribe to cell phones as of 2009.
farming. THUMBS UP. Consequently the land is being blanketed by cell
towers because cell phones don’t work very well
School Super Natural Mom without them. Even without considering other
Interview with Dr. David Kessler
sources of signals, like satellites and other wire-
lunches Beth Greer less devices, that adds up to a lot of radiation.
wouldn’t pass Progressive Radio Network This movie takes a look at the health implications
Dr. David Kessler was once the head of the of massively increasing our radiation exposure.
fast food FDA and has recently written a book about how Thirteen studies have found a correlation
McStandards. the food industry is manipulating people into between cell signals and DNA breaks. That may
66 Wise Traditions SPRING 2010