Page 84 - Spring2010
P. 84

A Campaign for Real Milk

                                                             RAW MILK GETS A RAW DEAL
                                                                   by Tom McNaughton

                                          A growing number of people who under-  if I request the cheese ahead of time, the cheese
                                      stand the benefits of eating real food want to  views it as an arranged marriage and is happy.
                                      buy raw milk, but can’t—at least not legally in     Curious about which states have outlawed
                                      many states. Some manage to find it anyway. To  raw milk, I checked the state-by-state listings on
                                      get an idea of the effort this requires, check out  a Weston A. Price site, The Campaign For Real
                                      this blog post:                           Milk. Perusing the state laws confirmed one
                                          “Just as promised, I found the milk in the  of my most deeply-held and cherished beliefs:
                                      fridge. ‘Nelson’ was printed neatly on the glass  governments are inherently stupid. Here are a
                                      with indelible ink on an otherwise unlabeled jar.  few examples:
                                      No one was around except for a dog, who sur-
                                      veyed my intentions and went back to guarding  IDAHO
                                      the cows. I left the money on the counter and     Even though state law permits the sale of
                                      departed with my contraband.              raw milk if the farmer obtains a retail raw milk
                                          “This was actually the least secretive ele-  license, in practice the Idaho Dept. of Agriculture
                    A Campaign        ment in my quest to find raw milk. Getting here  balks at giving a license to anyone to sell raw
                   for Real Milk      had required everything short of a secret hand-  milk. Until very recently, there had not been a
                   is a project of    shake.                                    retail raw milk licensee in the state for fifteen
                  the Weston A.           “After delicately putting the word out that I  years.
                             Price    was looking, I was interviewed by a local gate-     That’s an interesting way of handling it.
                    Foundation.       keeper who gave me the name of someone else  Maybe California could use that technique to
                                      who would send me in the right direction. In  reduce traffic congestion.
                        To obtain     order to get that far, I had to prove my bona fides.      “Sure, it’s legal to drive here, but you need
                    some of our       The gatekeeper wanted to know my experience  a license.”
                     informative      with raw milk, an attempt to ascertain whether     “Okay, where do I get a license?”
                       Real Milk      I was a state health official operating a sting.”     “Sorry, we don’t actually issue any.”
                                          You’d  almost  think  some  of  these  state
                      brochures,        regulators have confused raw milk with heroin.     “But. . . I need to drive!”
                                                                                    “Then you’d better get a license.”
                     contact the      In fact, it’s probably easier to score heroin.
                  Foundation at           In Tennessee, raw milk seems to be semi-  ILLINOIS
                            (202)     legal. Some farmers sell it openly at the farmers’     Raw milk sales are legal on the farm if the
                      363-4394.       market, but the farmer we prefer can’t—because  farmer complies with the following conditions:
                  Check out our       his farm is forty miles away. But if we request it
                                      ahead of time by sending an email, he can legally  1.   No advertising the sale of raw milk.
                         website,     sell it to us.                            2.   Customers must bring their own individual
                            www.          When I heard that explanation, I tried several   containers.
                times to make sense of it, then stopped when I  3.   The customer must put the milk from your
                   for additional     thought my head was about to explode. Appar-  container into their container.
                     information      ently, if the farmer drives a cooler full of raw-
                     and sources      milk cheese forty miles and then sells it to just     Okay, I see. . . the farmer has raw milk in
                                      anybody who wanders buy, the cheese will feel  a container. If I take it home in that container,
                    of Real Milk      slutty and throw a temper-tantrum that results  the milk will be contaminated. But if the milk
                       products.      in an explosion of salmonella bacteria. However,  is poured from his container into a plastic milk
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