Page 11 - Spring2018
P. 11
After about six months of this, we five years. I was also told that cartilage many are cats and dogs? Might the
got started with raw Jersey kefir and doesn’t regrow and that meniscus tears “endocrine disrupting” and “hormone
wow! All these issues we were dealing don’t heal. The surgery was a clean-up mimicking” effects of these poisons be
with disappeared in only a week’s time! job with a gloomy prognosis. contributing to the cancer, obesity and
In my kefir smoothies I add raw egg Today I am over fifty pounds diabetic epidemics, even in our pets?
yolks, raw liver, coconut oil and chia lighter, and I used the Weston A. Price As a volunteer for the local humane
seeds. diet every step of the way. I was a pree- society, I’ve witnessed the surrender of
What is your thinking on this? mie baby, and giving myself butter and animals due to the expense of caring for
Were we not getting enough fats while clean fats has been crucial. I used bone them once they become diabetic and
on our goat milk diet, or was there broth to heal my joints. I reconfigured cancer-ridden. Many cats and dogs are
something more lacking? my life and did a remarkable course in obese, as are their owners. From my
Susan Glick commercial cooking. Today I am most research, I sincerely believe that home
Loysville, Pennsylvania gratified to work for a local organic and yard pesticides (hormone “mimick-
grocery as a salad and cold food chef. ers” and “disrupters”) and improper
It's possible you and your family were My knees don’t hurt and I am develop- diet (GMO and pesticide-drenched corn
not getting enough folate and vitamin ing a Tai Chi/Chi Gung practice. You and soybeans) are contributing factors
B12 on the goat milk diet, as goat need cartilage in joints to do that. The in the declining health of all animals.
milk tends to be deficient in these two mainstream doctors were wrong. At least the medical profession and
nutrients. I am most grateful and delighted to pharmaceutical companies (and the
be a member and supporter of Weston manufacturers of expensive, specialty
SO GRATEFUL A. Price. This program works for me! pet foods) are profiting handsomely!
Thank you so much for every- Pat Howe Meanwhile, many patient families are
thing you promote. There’s not enough Sausalito, California finding it necessary to file for bankrupt-
words to describe the life change and cy, due to mounting medical expenses
the amazing health in our young fam- LAWN CHEMICALS and shrinking or non-existent coverage.
ily. I’m twenty-three years, husband I have been a subscriber of the Many become depressed, drug- and
twenty-five and one son almost two Weston A. Price Foundation for many alcohol-dependent and possibly vio-
years old. It’s been a total lifestyle years, and I find Wise Traditions to be lent, due to feelings of powerlessness,
change for us and such a blessing. My one of the most informative publica- with little or no money for vacations,
husband suffered with arthritis over all tions I have ever read! Thank you for all entertainment and other healthy forms
his joints and now it’s completely gone! you are doing to help keep us healthy! of pleasures that make life enjoyable.
Ashley Gogan May I make a couple of suggestions Many people just live lives of quiet
Miami, Oklahoma for future articles? Media’s attention to desperation. Some of these people are
agricultural pesticides has increased veterans. Some become violent. . . and
FIFTY POUNDS LIGHTER somewhat, due to the proven dangers some unfortunate people die!
I have been using the WAPF con- of glyphosate, but the discussion seems My husband recently died of mul-
cepts for about six years, having been to stop there and excludes mention of tiple myeloma (an incurable cancer
introduced to the Foundation by my na- the additional dangers of lawn care of the bone marrow). You may not be
turopathic doctor. This program prob- chemicals, which are also pesticide aware, but this cancer is on the Veter-
ably saved my life, or at least spared poisons! It is obvious to me that many of ans’ Affairs list of illnesses attributable
me a whole lot of chronic symptoms our health issues could be attributable to exposure to Agent Orange, a highly
that were gathering. Three years ago I to these unnecessary and dangerous toxic exfoliate, used extensively on our
had knee surgery and was told I could practices. How many cancer patients enemy in Viet Nam! Unfortunately,
expect knee reconstruction in two to and diabetics do you know? And how “the chickens have come home to roost”
SPRING 2018 Wise Traditions 9