Page 15 - Spring2018
P. 15

Caustic Commentary

            soybeans.” The truth is that we are not going to make any  oil can hasten the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Two
            progress in dietary science until we call out the American  groups of mice, selected for a tendency to Alzheimer’s but
            Heart Association for what it really is—the marketing arm  without any symptoms, were give either a normal diet or
            of the industrial seed oil industry—and reveal the likes of  the normal diet plus two tablespoons of canola oil each day.
            Jane Brody as a mouthpiece for commercial interests, not a  Six months later maze tests revealed the mice on the canola
            legitimate journalist.                              diet showed a decline in their working memory capacities
                                                                compared to the other group. The canola oil group had also
            UNNECESSARY HARM?                                   gained more weight. The canola oil mice had an increase in
            As the lipid hypothesis continues to unravel, we detect a note  amyloid plaques in the brain, a substance which decreases
            of panic in the medical journals. Recently a program blasting  the number of contacts between neurons. By contrast a
            the use of statins called “The Big Bluff” aired on Franco-  similar study using olive oil showed a reduction in amyloid
            German public television and the response came in the form  plaque. The results are surprising because canola oil con-
            of an article published in the European Heart Journal (Feb  tains, in principle, omega-3 fatty acids, said to be important
            2018;39(5):335-336). Authors François Schiele and Steen D.  for neurological function. But of course, high temperature
            Kristensen wrote that the program “encouraged physicians  processing damages omega-3 fatty acids, creating breakdown
            and patients to interrupt lipid-lowering treatments and avoid  substances that could be very detrimental to brain health
            blood lipid assessments.” The broadcast, they said, “was  (Nature Scientific Reports 2017;7:article17134).
            dangerously irresponsible. After antibiotics, statins may have
            contributed more to prolonging life expectancy than any  DENTAL EMERGENCIES
            other type of medication. . . It’s time to set the record straight  We tend to think of dental emergencies as something only
            because the repercussions for the misinformed are potentally  encountered in the Third World, not something that happens
            catastrophic.” So how catastrophic would it be if the public  in the West where we enjoy the latest in dental care. But
            stopped taking statins? The truth is that statin drugs have  in the U.S., the number of root abscesses increased by 41
            never been shown to prolong lives, and their benefits even  percent from 2000 to 2008 (the U.S. population rose only 8
            for those who have had a heart attack are minimal. Statin  percent during the period) and emergency room dental visits
            use is associated with increased risk of cancer, neurological  rose by 50 percent from 2005 to 2011. The truth is that many
            disorders and muscle degeneration, and study after study  Americans lack dental care and suffer from embarassment
            confirms the fact that high cholesterol is associated with a  and even unimaginable pain. We need more dentists, for sure,
            longer life, especially in the elderly. As one researcher stated,  but what’s needed most of all is education about the tragic
            “Statins do not have a proven net health benefit in primary  effects of sugary foods and lowfat diets on our teeth (New
            prevention populations, and they when used in that setting  York Times, May 23, 2017).
            do not represent good use of scarce health care resources”
            (Therapeutics Letter 77/March-April 2010). In fact, a 2015
            paper published in Expert Reviews in Clinical Pharmacology
            (2015 Mar;8(2):189-99) proposed that statins actually cause   FOR SCIENTISTS AND LAY READERS
            atherosclerosis and heart failure. Meanwhile, new National      Please note that the mission of the Weston A. Price
            Health Service guidelines in the U.K. recommend giving   Foundation is to provide important information about diet
            statins to children “who have inherited the risk of high   and health to both scientists and the lay public. For this rea-
                                                                 son, some of the articles in Wise Traditions are necessarily
            cholesterol” (The Telegraph Science, November 2, 2017).   technical. It is very important for us to describe the science
                                                                 that supports the legitimacy of our dietary principles. In
            NOT SO GOOD FOR THE BRAIN                            articles aimed at scientists and practitioners, we provide a
            Canola oil is touted as heart-healthy because it can reduce   summary of the main points and also put the most techni-
            your levels of LDL-cholesterol (the kind that carries nour-  cal information in sidebars. These articles are balanced by
            ishment to your cells), but a new study suggests that the   others that provide practical advice to our lay readers.

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