Page 20 - Spring2018
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No regulatory        offers some protection against mercury and is  cantly higher than the EPA’s “safe” reference

                    safety    found in fish as well as other foods.    dose of 0.3–0.6 micrograms total per day for
                                                                       methylmercury exposure in infants. Moreover,
                standard      VACCINES                                 the EPA safe reference dose for methylmercury
                exists for       One of the most controversial aspects sur-  may be too lax, 24,25  especially when applied to
         ethylmercury.        rounding vaccines is their mercury content.  ethylmercury. Indeed, there may be no thresh-
                              Prior to about 2004, many childhood vaccines  old that precludes adverse neuropsychological
                              contained thimerosal, a preservative and adju-  effects in children, 24,26  whose brains are rapidly
                              vant that is 50 percent ethylmercury. Childhood  developing. Furthermore, unlike methylmer-
                              exposure to thimerosal rose sharply in the U.S.  cury ingested from fish, injected ethylmercury
                              during the 1990s as the U.S. Centers for Disease  is not subject to the natural defense mechanisms
                              Control and Prevention (CDC) added new vac-  related to ingestion, including metallothioneins
                              cines to the childhood vaccine schedule. Infants  and selenium.
                              strictly adhering to the CDC vaccine schedule   In 1999, the U.S. Public Health Service
                              during this time typically received up to 187.5  called for the elimination of thimerosal from
                              micrograms of mercury in the first six months of  childhood vaccines. Due to supply and demand
                              life alone.  As shown in Table 2, this was from  issues, it took several years to transition to
                              three doses each of the diphtheria-tetanus-acel-  reduced-thimerosal and then thimerosal-free
                              lular pertussis (DTaP), Haemophilus influenzae  alternatives.  However, during the period
                              type b (Hib), and hepatitis B (HB) vaccines, with  in which thimerosal began to be phased out
                              additional doses of DTaP and Hib given later. 23  of other pediatric vaccines, the thimerosal-
                                 No regulatory safety standard exists for  containing influenza vaccine became an im-
                              ethylmercury. However, because ethylmercury  portant new source of mercury exposure for
                              is chemically similar to methylmercury (the  fetuses and children. This is because the CDC
                              form of mercury present in dietary fish), we  began recommending in 2002 that the influenza
                              can compare the 187.5-microgram ethylmercury  vaccine be given to children aged six months
                              dose to the safe reference dose for methylmer-  to twenty-three months, as well as pregnant
                              cury set by the EPA. This reference dose is 0.1  women in their second and third trimesters,
                              microgram per kilogram of body weight per  even though the only vaccine approved for these
                              day for chronic exposure, equivalent to about  groups at the time was preserved with thimero-
                              0.3 micrograms per day for a newborn and 0.6  sal.  Next, the CDC aggressively increased the
                              micrograms per day for a six-month-old baby.  dosing and expanded the target groups for the
                              Averaging the 187.5-microgram exposure (ac-  influenza vaccine, recommending a double
                              tually delivered in a number of concentrated  dose for infants at both six and seven months,
                              doses) over the six-month period, the resulting  plus subsequent annual doses, and a dose for
                              dose of 1.04 micrograms per day is signifi-  all pregnant women, no longer limited to the

                                    TABLE 2: MERCURY CONTENT (IN MICROGRAMS) OF
                                    1990S-ERA CHILDHOOD VACCINES RECOMMENDED
                                          DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF LIFE

           Vaccine                                 Number of Doses in     Total Mercury Content (and
                                                   the First Six Months   Amount per Dose) 23
           Diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DTaP)  3 doses*        75 micrograms (25 mcg per dose)
           Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)            3 doses*        75 micrograms (25 mcg per dose)
           Hepatitis B (HB)                               3 doses         37.5 micrograms (12.5 mcg per dose)
           TOTAL                                          9 doses         187.5 micrograms

          * With a fourth dose given after six months of age, for a total of 100 micrograms each for DTaP and Hib across the four doses.

         18                                         Wise Traditions                               SPRING 2018
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