Page 23 - Spring2018
P. 23

thereby leading to increased toxicity.    stress further damages mitochondrial enzymes,   Mercury
               By damaging methylation enzymes, includ-  as well as harming mitochondrial membranes
            ing methionine synthase, mercury dysregulates  and mitochondrial DNA.              attacks the
            the methylation cycle, a biochemical pathway   Mitochondrial dysfunction can result in  sulfur in the
            in which the sulfur-containing amino acid,  overproduction of lactic acid, yielding metabolic   functional
            methionine, is recycled, creating two impor-  acidosis, which depletes minerals and may pro-
            tant products: s-adenosyl methionine (SAMe),  mote certain pathogens. Mitochondrial damage   proteins
            the body’s universal methylator; and cysteine,  further drains cellular energy by creating a  within cell
            the precursor for the transsulfuration pathway,  disproportionate need for repair, perpetuating a   membranes.
            which in turn produces glutathione, sulfate and  vicious cycle.  Mitochondrial dysfunction can
            taurine. By impairing the methionine synthase  affect immunity, digestion, cognition and any   One result
            enzyme, mercury blocks not only detoxification  energy-intensive system within the body and  is altered
            via the transsulfuration pathway that produces  is a key component of many chronic illnesses.   homeostasis
            glutathione but also the production of many   Oxidative stress perpetuates another vi-
            hormones and neurotransmitters that require  cious cycle in which free radicals cause lipid   of many
            methyl donors like SAMe. A lack of methyl  peroxidation. In this self-propagating chain  essential
            donors also inhibits the activity of the DNA  reaction, the unsaturated fatty acids in cell   minerals.
            methyltransferase enzymes, which regulate  membranes are attacked, becoming free radicals
            gene expression.                          themselves and ultimately leading to excess
               In addition to attacking the sulfur in en-  permeability in membranes and other barriers
            zymes, mercury attacks the sulfur in the func-  and provoking still more damage.
            tional proteins within cell membranes. These
            include membrane transport channels that allow  MINERAL DYSREGULATION
            micronutrients into cells. One result is altered   As already mentioned, metallothioneins
            homeostasis of many essential minerals, which  are cysteine-rich metal storage molecules that
            can appear abnormally high or low on testing  appear to play a role in storing zinc and copper.
            and is an aspect of many chronic illnesses that  They are found in high levels in the intestines.
            has no other obvious explanation. Mercury also  When metallothioneins become saturated with
            may target the disulfide bonds in collagen, the  mercury, they can no longer store zinc or copper
            connective tissue found in blood vessels, in the  or protect the body from mercury.
            gut and throughout the body. More importantly,   It is much more common for mercury-af-
            mercury impairs the ongoing synthesis and  fected people to suffer from low zinc than from
            repair of collagen, bone and cartilage, both by  low copper, for several reasons. First, dietary
            impairing the necessary enzymes and by de-  sources of zinc are more limited than for cop-
            pleting vitamin C, which is a required cofactor.  per. Second, excess copper is excreted into the
            Thus, mercury can be implicated in arthritis,  bile and removed from the body via the feces,
            osteoporosis and connective tissue disorders.   but many people have sluggish bile flow and/
                                                      or constipation, causing copper to accumulate
            OXIDATIVE STRESS                          in the liver. Additionally, estrogen dominance,
               Mercury promotes oxidative stress in  which may be amplified in mercury-affected in-
            several mutually reinforcing  ways. Within  dividuals due to common hormonal imbalances,
            cells, mercury concentrates in mitochondria,  causes copper retention. Estrogen dominance is
            the organelles that synthesize ATP (adenosine  common, especially in women, due to exposure
            triphosphate) energy. There, mercury displaces  to plastics, soy, flax and other estrogenic foods,
            iron and copper, converting them to free radicals  as well as hormonal birth control products.
            with the potential to cause ongoing oxidative  Finally, copper pipes, copper IUDs and copper
            stress unless buffered by antioxidants. Mercury  sulfate sprayed on crops as an antifungal (even
            also blocks mitochondrial enzymes, creating  on many organic crops) add to the overall copper
            an overproduction of reactive oxygen species,  load. Because copper and zinc are antagonistic,
            including free radicals. The resulting oxidative  the more that copper is retained by the body, the

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