Page 26 - Spring2018
P. 26
soluble vitamins and helping to stabilize blood damaged collagen and can be obtained from a variety of food sources as
sugar levels. It is important to eat a variety of tolerated, although one should take care not to rely entirely on the sweeter
healthy fats from both animal and plant sources. fruits, which can be problematic for people with blood sugar issues. Good
Because both brain tissue and the phospholipid sources of vitamin C include rose hips, guava, acerola cherry, lemons,
bilayer of the cell membrane are built in large limes, oranges, grapefruit, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
part from saturated fat, consumption of grass- papaya, mango, pineapple, kiwi and strawberries. People who suffer from
fed animal fats such as lard, tallow, ghee and thiol sensitivity, discussed below, will need to avoid or limit the vegetables
butter contributes to repair. Cod liver oil, liver, included on the list (see “Sulphur foods” in Resources sidebar p. 26).
extra-virgin organic olive oil, red palm oil Bearing in mind that the liver has two detoxification pathways—phase I
and lard are important sources of fat-soluble (breaking down substances) and phase II (building new substances)—it
vitamins. may be wise to consume grapefruit only occasionally. This is because
Fat metabolism requires fewer enzymes grapefruit can stimulate phase II and slow down phase I. (The exception
than carbohydrate metabolism and thus has is if phase I is already known to be overly active with respect to phase II.)
less opportunity to be blocked by mercury. Mineral dysregulation is significantly more pronounced in people
Impaired enzymes slow energy production with chronic mercury toxicity than in the general population, as are
and can create toxic intermediates, which can other nutritional deficiencies and food intolerances. Each mercury-toxic
yield food intolerances to some carbohydrate person has a unique combination of mineral imbalances that affect how
foods. Carbohydrates also can raise insulin, mercury toxicity is expressed and point to the particular nutrient combi-
the fat-storage hormone, which may already nation that is likely to provide relief. In general, the two minerals most
be high due to mercury toxicity. Finally, high- commonly depleted by mercury are magnesium and zinc. Organ meats
carbohydrate foods are more likely than high-fat are nutrient-dense and can help supply these depleted minerals as well as
foods to contain antinutrients such as phytates, important vitamins. For example, liver is high in vitamins A and B12 as
oxalates and lectins. well as zinc, magnesium and selenium. Leafy green vegetables, nettles,
Bone broth is ideal for repairing the diges- properly soaked lentils (if tolerated) and properly prepared almonds also
tive lining and connective tissue and for sup- are good sources of magnesium. Nettles are a great source of numerous
plying easily assimilated amino acids and other other vitamins and minerals and can be added to soups or enjoyed as a tea.
nutrients. Daily consumption of bone broth can Zinc-rich foods are critical, but unfortunately oysters, the richest source of
help repair the excessive gut permeability that zinc, also tend to be high in cadmium and other heavy metals. Thus, red
often leads mercury-toxic individuals to develop meat and poultry, along with properly soaked sesame and pumpkin seeds
food allergies and autoimmunity. Glutamine is and pine nuts, may more suitable sources of zinc for mercury-affected
one of the most important amino acids needed people, keeping in mind that we absorb zinc much more efficiently from
to repair the lining of the gut. Glutamine and animal foods than from plant sources.
glycine, both abundant in bone broth, are pre- Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium, and unlike fish, which is
cursors to the body’s production of glutathione. also high in selenium, do not contain potentially problematic levels of
Vitamin B6 and magnesium may ease the con- mercury. However, the selenium content of Brazil nuts varies according to
version of glutamate to GABA. In the event the soil where the nuts are grown (as is the case for all foods). Brazil nuts
of sensitivity to glutamate, it is advisable to are high in unsaturated fat and may not keep well if soaked extensively,
simmer the bone broth for no longer than three but overnight soaking works well in temperate climates. Regarding the
to four hours. selenium in fish, evidence suggests that once the body’s natural defenses
Beet kvass can improve the flow of bile have been overrun by mercury, the selenium in seafood is less effective
and thus improve excretion of mercury and in buffering the mercury. Thus, people who know or suspect a mercury
other toxicants through the bile, particularly in problem must consider both the benefits and risks in determining their
individuals who tend to be constipated. Other fish consumption level. Those who choose to limit their seafood intake
probiotic foods such as sauerkraut are also help- should consider taking cod liver oil and perhaps fish oil to derive some
ful as part of a healing program. It is a good idea of the nutritional benefits of fish while keeping mercury exposure as low
to start with a small amount of probiotic foods as possible.
and to increase gradually as tolerated. Overall, one’s goal should be to eat the least restrictive nutrient-dense
Foods high in vitamins A, C, D and E confer diet possible. Elimination and reintroduction of suspect foods is the best
important antioxidant and immune-modulating way to assess whether specific foods are problematic. Many children
benefits. Vitamin C, for example, helps rebuild and adults with mercury toxicity benefit from a gluten-free, casein-free
24 Wise Traditions SPRING 2018