Page 31 - Spring2018
P. 31
The Ongoing Thimerosal
Travesty Needs to End
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
himerosal is the infamous mercury-containing pre-
servative in use, to this day, in some vaccines and
Talso in dozens of other pharmaceutical products
approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Public health agencies, government regulators and medi-
cal trade groups have repeatedly declared thimerosal to
be safe, but the published peer-reviewed science argues
that nothing could be further from the truth. For anyone
who bothers to investigate thimerosal’s appalling record,
there is a vast, still accumulating and compelling body of
research that contradicts the public health establishment’s
deceptive safety claims.
Thimerosal is almost 50 percent ethylmercury by weight. Ethylmer-
cury is an organic mercury compound with toxicity mechanisms similar to
methylmercury (the hazardous type of mercury in seafood). The danger
posed by both types of mercury was evident in earlier eras when fungicides
containing either ethyl- or methylmercury poisoned farmers, sometimes on
a large scale, from the 1950s through the 1970s. Of the two compounds,
the ethylmercury in vaccines is far more toxic to and persistent in the brain,
where it has a propensity to accumulate as inorganic mercury, 9,10 with an
estimated half-life of as long as twenty-seven years. 11
SPRING 2018 Wise Traditions 29