Page 32 - Spring2018
P. 32

The     HISTORY OF THIMEROSAL                    escalation of thimerosal use in consumer prod-
                                 Before the invention of modern antibiotics  ucts occurred despite numerous studies from
              escalation      and antiseptics, physicians experimented with  the 1930s showing that thimerosal was not, in
          of thimerosal       mercury-containing compounds to try to stave  fact, “highly germicidal” and actually was more
                   use in     off microbial pathogens. Thimerosal was born  effective at destroying human cells than killing
              consumer        of those efforts. Dr. Morris Kharasch, a uni-  pathogens. Thimerosal never measured up to
                              versity chemist and Eli Lilly fellow, developed  its supposed raison d’être of safely preventing
               products       thimerosal and filed for a patent in June, 1929,  microbial contamination, and studies continued
               occurred       describing thimerosal as an “alkyl mercuric  to chalk up clear and unequivocal evidence that
                  despite     sulfur compound” with antibacterial properties.  thimerosal was deadly to human cells.
                              Eli Lilly and Company registered thimerosal
              numerous        under the trade name Merthiolate later that year.  THIMEROSAL IN VACCINES

                  studies        Eli Lilly researchers reported in 1931 that   Nonetheless, starting in the 1930s, phar-
          showing that        animals seemed to tolerate high doses of thi-  maceutical companies began to use thimerosal
                              merosal. However, many of those animals died  in multidose vials of vaccine to extend shelf
             thimerosal       of  evident  mercury  poisoning  just  days after  life and lessen the risk of bacterial and fungal
                 actually     the study ended. Also noteworthy is the fact  contamination that arises when several doses are

              was more        that in early animal toxicity studies and many  drawn from the same vial. Centers for Disease
                              later research efforts, researchers did not assess  Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines allow
             effective at     socialization  behaviors  or  perform  cognition  health providers to administer extra doses from
              destroying      tests. In other words, they did not consider the  multidose vials up until the printed expiration
           human cells        possibility of mercury-induced brain damage.   date “if the vial has been stored correctly and
                                 During this same time period, the Eli Lilly  the vaccine is not visibly contaminated.”  (The
             than killing     researchers reported on the first injections of  CDC does not say what to do about contamina-
             pathogens.       thimerosal into humans. The unlucky recipients  tion that may not be “visible.”)
                              of large doses of Merthiolate were twenty-two   Through the 1970s and 1980s, children in the
                              patients hospitalized during a 1929 epidemic of  U.S. generally received eight injections of three
                              meningococcal meningitis in Indianapolis. The  types of vaccines—oral polio, measles-mumps-
                              thimerosal had no apparent therapeutic benefit,  rubella (MMR) and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis
                              and all twenty-two patients died—seven of them  (DTP) vaccine—in their first eighteen months.
                              within one day of thimerosal administration.  The DTP vaccine contained fifty micrograms of
                              The researchers nevertheless described the  thimerosal per shot, translating into one hundred
                              experiment as a success, and a published paper  micrograms of mercury exposure by eighteen
                              stated that “these large doses did not produce  months. In 1986, after more and more people
                              any anaphylactoid or shock symptoms” (neither  began suing vaccine manufacturers for serious
                              of which is associated with toxic mercury ex-  vaccine injuries primarily related to the DTP
                              posure). However, the clinician who treated the  vaccine, Congress took the unprecedented step
                              meningitis patients apparently was not convinced  of granting vaccine manufacturers full immunity
                              of  thimerosal’s  efficacy,  stating,  “Beneficial  from lawsuits. The National Childhood Vaccine
                              effects of the drug were not definitely proven.”  Injury Act of 1986 established a compensation
                              Moreover, any short-term neurological or other  program “as an alternative remedy to judicial
                              deleterious effects of the thimerosal would likely  action for specified vaccine-related injuries.”
                              have been masked by or attributed to the patients’  By making it impossible for vaccine-injured
                              meningitis infections.                   plaintiffs to sue pharmaceutical companies, the
                                 For decades, Eli Lilly promoted its confident  result—whether intended or unintended—was
                              version of the Indianapolis results as evidence of  to  eliminate  any  financial  incentive  to  make
                              thimerosal’s safety, paving the way for thimero-  vaccine safety a priority.
                              sal’s inclusion in various antiseptic products,   Beginning in 1989, the CDC’s Advisory
                              including nasal sprays, eyewashes, vaginal  Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
                              spermicides and diaper rash treatments. This  began steadily increasing the types and total

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