Page 33 - Spring2018
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number of vaccines required for school at-  avowing that “the large risks of not vaccinating   A school
            tendance, including thimerosal-containing  children far outweigh the unknown and probably
            vaccines. By 1999, the expanded vaccine  much smaller risk, if any, of cumulative exposure   nurse testified
            schedule called for children to receive nineteen  to thimerosal-containing vaccines over the first  before
            vaccine injections by age two, eleven of which  6 months of life.” 15              Congress,
            contained thimerosal. Children born in the
            1990s could be injected, therefore, with up to  THE SIMPSONWOOD CABAL              “I have never
            237.5 micrograms of mercury by their second   A year later (June 7-8, 2000), the CDC  seen so many
            birthday, and as much as 62.5 micrograms at a  convened a secret scientific review panel of over   damaged,
            single doctor’s visit.                    fifty experts who began backpedaling from the
               In my book, Thimerosal: Let the Science  AAP-USPHS pronouncement.  The group that   sick kids.
            Speak,  I quote school nurse Patti White, who  met at the Simpsonwood Retreat Center near  Something
            noticed, early on, the vaccine-induced mercury  Atlanta included high-ranking CDC and FDA   very, very
            overload in young  children. In  1999, White  representatives, state and international public
            testified before Congress about the thimerosal-  health officials, vaccine company representatives   wrong is
            containing hepatitis B vaccine administered to  and others. At the outset, the meeting’s chair,  happening to
            newborns:                                 immunologist Richard Johnston, expressed   our children.”
                                                      regret that the group had not met to consider
               The elementary grades are overwhelmed   the  data  sooner, “in advance  of…the  public
               with children who have symptoms of     health decisions [to phase out thimerosal] that
               neurological and/or immune system dam-  were made last summer.” Further betraying his
               age: epilepsy, seizure disorders, various   preconceptions, Johnston stated that there was
               kinds of palsies, autism, mental retarda-  “no evidence of a problem, only a theoretical
               tion, learning disabilities, juvenile-onset   concern that young infants’ developing brains
               diabetes, asthma, vision/hearing loss,   were being exposed to an organomercurial.”
               and a multitude of new conduct/behavior   The group then heard a presentation by
               disorders. We [school nurses] have come   Thomas Verstraeten, a research fellow at CDC
               to believe the hepatitis B vaccine is an   who subsequently went on to a decade-long ca-
               assault on a newborn’s developing neu-  reer at GlaxoSmithKline. Verstraeten had been
               rological and immune system. Vaccines   working up a study using data from the Vaccine
               are supposed to be making us healthier.   Safety Datalink (established by the CDC in 1990
               However, in twenty-five years of nurs-  to study rare and serious vaccine adverse events),
               ing I have never seen so many damaged,   scrutinizing data from roughly one hundred and
               sick kids. Something very, very wrong   ten thousand children born between 1992 and
               is happening to our children.          1997 and enrolled at U.S. health maintenance
                                                      organizations. The study sought to assess the re-
               School nurses were not the only ones to call  lationship between thimerosal exposure (at one,
            attention to the mounting evidence that thimero-  two, three and six months of age) and neurologi-
            sal-containing vaccines were having neurotoxic  cal damage. After the initial findings showed a
            effects. In response to pressure from Congress  possible causal link, Verstraeten reworked the
            and the public, the FDA conducted a review in the  study design and analyses several times prior to
            late 1990s that found that the amount of mercury  Simpsonwood. Despite these apparent attempts
            in  the  childhood  vaccine  schedule  surpassed  to make the association “go away,” Verstraeten
            some federal safety guidelines. Accordingly,  was obligated to present the troublesome finding
            the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) and the  of linear and statistically significant dose-related
            American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a  relationships between thimerosal exposure and
            lukewarm statement in 1999 about thimerosal’s  neurodevelopmental disorders to the group as-
            potential risks. The statement’s authors called  sembled at Simpsonwood.
            for the phase-out of thimerosal-containing vac-  Although differing viewpoints emerged,
            cines “as expeditiously as possible,“ while still  many of the Simpsonwood attendees were less

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