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Announcing a new Facebook page for WAPF in Spanish! It will be an actively managed page. Information will be shared
daily on topics such as Dr. Price´s work and studies as well as dietary guidelines in line with the Foundation´s philosophy
and other articles on regenerative agriculture and holistic management. Here is the link that you can share with your chapter
members and any other Spanish speakers you feel might benefit from this information:
In September 2017, chapter leaders Katie Williamson and Hilda Labrada Gore travelled to Perú to share Dr. Price´s
book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, in a country that Dr. Price himself visited back in the 1930s. In November 2017 at
the annual WAPF conference, they professionally recorded the same presentation in order to reach an even larger Spanish-
speaking population online. Dr. Price´s book is not yet published in Spanish, which means that it is imperative that we share
this talk (which contains numerous photos from his book) with as many Spanish speakers as possible. Dr. Price wanted us
to “teach, teach, teach.” Our goal is to teach and share his message with the entire Spanish-speaking world. Thank you for
helping us make that a reality. Visit
SPRING 2018 Wise Traditions 35