Page 40 - Spring2018
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Whereas       thimerosal may have lost a critical number of  obsessed about small things.
             long-range       their long-range axons.  These studies indicate   When localized processing dominates, it
                              that their brains try to compensate by sprouting  also can lead to disruptions in attention, sen-
          axons can be        short-range axons, and brain connectivity shifts  sory processing and other big-picture think-
              compared        from long-range to short-range.  (Interestingly,  ing, as well as poor judgment and perspective.
                to super-     in learning delay, also found to be associated  Although most children exposed to thimerosal
                              with thimerosal exposure, research has revealed  retain high intelligence, their brains must work
               highways,      a loss of long-range brain connectivity, but  harder because their processing is more compli-
            short-range       without a concomitant increase in short-range  cated and attention requires more effort.
         axons are like       axons.)                                  IMPLICATIONS
              side roads      SIDE ROADS VERSUS SUPERHIGHWAYS              Observed differences across individuals

             with lots of        When brain connectivity shifts from  with ASD, ADHD or tic disorder are mainly
             stop lights.     long-range to short-range in individuals with  in severity, with some variation in the areas
                                                                       of the brain most affected. This can depend
                              thimerosal-induced ASD, ADHD or a tic dis-
                              order, a sensation or thought has to jump from  on when the exposure occurred within  the
                              one short-range neuron to the next and the next  developmental process as well as on individual
                              and the next, instead of traveling quickly down  susceptibility. Importantly, the severity of a
                              a single axon of a long-range neuron. This may  given disorder correlates with the severity of
                              occur, for example, with sensory impulses such  abnormal connectivity. In other words, the
                              as visual or auditory processing (see Figure 3).  worse the long-range under-connectivity and
                                 Whereas long-range axons can be compared  short-range over-connectivity, the worse the
                              to superhighways, short-range axons are like  severity of the disorder.
                              side roads with lots of stop lights. You can get   It is critical to recognize, therefore, that
                              where you need to go on a side road, but it can  exposure to thimerosal during fetal and infant
                              be more complicated, time-consuming and ex-  development can result in significant brain
                              hausting. In the brain, this convoluted routing  changes. ASD, ADHD and tic disorder all reveal
                              can result in a drastically decreased processing  similar changes to brain structure, showing
                              speed. It also requires more energy, which can  long-range under-connectivity and short-range
                              be tiring. As a result, the brain may be better  over-connectivity.  This evidence suggests that
                              at localized processing than global processing.  the three disorders and possibly other neurode-
                              This may make it harder to pay attention and  velopmental disorders all fall within the broader
                              process sensory information, and easier to get  category of connectivity spectrum disorders,

         FIGURE 3: A schematic characterization of the difference between long-range and short-range axons.

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