Page 34 - Spring2018
P. 34

The     than persuaded by Verstraeten’s results. Some,   Attendee William Weil (a pediatrician rep-

             groupthink       such as John Clements of the World Health  resenting the AAP) noted that even accepting
                                                                       Stehr-Green’s assertion that Verstraeten hadn’t
                              Organization’s Expanded Program on Immu-
           on display at      nization, focused more on the public relations  proven a link to neurodevelopmental disorders,
         Simpsonwood          implications. Clements stated:           it was alarming that he hadn’t disproven it, and
                primarily        I hear the majority of the consultants   there was insufficient evidence, he pointed out,
                                                                       to reject a possible causal relationship. He stated
         illustrates that        say…that they are not convinced there is a   that “the possibility that the associations could be
            most public          causality direct link between Thimerosal   causal has major significance for public and pro-
             health and          and various neurological outcomes. …  fessional acceptance of thimerosal-containing
                                 The research results have to be handled,
                                                                       vaccines.” Weil also observed that “the number of
                 medical         and even if this committee decides that   kids getting help in special education is growing
          experts were           there is no association…through freedom   nationally and state by state at a rate we have
               itching to        of information that will be taken by others   not seen before.” Another of his observations
                                 and will be used in other ways beyond the
                                                                       was that thimerosal in vaccines represented
              exonerate          control of this group. […] My mandate…  “repeated acute exposures” and that “the earlier
             thimerosal,         is to make sure...that 100,000,000 are   you work with the central nervous system, the

           regardless of         immunized with DTP, Hepatitis B and   more likely you are to run into a sensitive period
                                                                       for one of these [neurodevelopmental] effects.”
                                 if possible Hib, this year, next year and
            the science,         for many years to come, and that will   Finally, Weil pointed out the limitations of
          and continue           have to be with Thimerosal-containing   epidemiological studies, calling for further in-
          with business          vaccines unless a miracle occurs and an   depth animal and developmental neurotoxicity
                                                                       studies and stating: “Some of the really gutsy
                                 alternative is found quickly and is tried
                as usual.        and found to be safe. […] How will it be   questions from a person who is very concerned
                                 presented to a public and a media that   about neurodevelopment cannot be answered
                                 is hungry for selecting the information   out of this.” At the same time, Weil cautioned
                                 they want to use for whatever means   others not to overly minimize or “play with” the
                                 they have in store for them? …I wonder   VSD data. Weil was the only reviewer present
                                 how on earth you are going to handle it   to rate the association between thimerosal and
                                 from here.                            the neurodevelopmental outcomes as strong,
                                                                       giving it a four on a scale of one to six (where
                                 Despite the clear association between  one was weakest).
                              thimerosal exposure and neurodevelopmental   The groupthink on display at Simpsonwood
                              disorders demonstrated by the Verstraeten study,  primarily illustrates that most public health and
                              many of the industry and public health scientists  medical experts were itching to exonerate thimer-
                              present tried to minimize the implications by vot-  osal, regardless of the science, and continue with
                              ing them away. When polled at the end of the day’s  business as usual. Following the Simpsonwood
                              discussion, most of them voted to rate the link  meeting, CDC moved aggressively to hastily gin
                              between thimerosal and neurodevelopmental dis-  up five poorly designed epidemiological stud-
                              orders as “weak.” In his summary comments as  ies 18-22  to disprove the link between thimerosal
                              meeting rapporteur, Paul Stehr-Green described  and neurodevelopmental disorders. Written by
                              Verstraeten’s results as being only weakly indica-  industry scientists, the published studies focused
                              tive of a safety signal—defined as “information  solely on one injury (autism), and four out of
                              on a new or known adverse event that may be  the five were done on foreign populations with
                              caused by a medicine.”  While acknowledging  minimal exposure to thimerosal. Three of the
                              that the signal “deserved further investigation  five studies were published in a compromised
                              and…raised some perhaps disquieting possibili-  journal, Pediatrics, which receives a significant
                              ties,” Stehr-Green concluded that “there was not  portion of its revenue from vaccine-makers. In
                              anything close to sufficient evidence to support  2002, the AAP dutifully “retired” its 1999 joint
                              a finding of a causal relationship.”     statement on thimerosal.  In January 2013, the
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